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The Heidelberg Catechism (25)

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The Heidelberg Catechism (25)

(Explained for Children)

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In the previous Lord's Day we read that we need a true faith, for only by faith can we obtain a part in the Lord Jesus. By faith we can also receive and accept His benefits. These benefits are the forgiveness of sins, again becoming a child of God, and eternal life.

Indeed, faith is truly necessary. What true faith is we were told in Lord's Day 7. But from where does this faith come? That is the following question.

Question 65: Since then we are made partakers of Christ and all His benefits by faith only, whence doth this faith proceed?

Answer: From the Holy Ghost, who works faith in our hearts by the preaching of the gospel, and confirms it by the use of the sacraments.

The question asks from where this faith comes. Who can give it to us? And the answer tells us that it comes from the Holy Ghost. It is only He who can give faith in your heart. Your father and your mother cannot give it to you, neither can a minister do so. It is a gift from God the Holy Ghost. He alone works faith in the hearts of sinners. Yes, it is a divine work

How does the Holy Ghost work faith? He makes use of means. What do we mean by means7. Bread would be an example, since bread is a means of keeping us alive. Medicine is also a means, since it is needed for the healing of sick people. The Holy Ghost also uses means—the preaching of the holy gospel. The holy gospel is the Word of God, the Bible, the Old and the New Testaments. It is holy because the holy God speaks to us in it. It is called the gospel because of the glad tidings in it, the tidings that we can still be saved.

The Word of God is proclaimed to us. God's servants preach to us from God's Word in church, or perhaps a sermon is read in the church. Therefore we must always attend church when we are able to do so. It is there that the Holy Ghost desires to work faith in the hearts of sinners.

The Holy Ghost desires to strengthen the faith of God's children. Yes, this faith at first is still very small and weak. It is just like a small young tree which can break in a severe storm. The gardener then places a small stake next to it and ties the tree to it. In that way it stands straight, even in storms. The little tree then grows and increases in strength.

Also in this way faith becomes stronger and grows. To strengthen faith the Holy Ghost uses not only God's Word but also the sacraments.

Question 66: What are the sacraments?

Answer: The sacraments are holy visible signs and seals, appointed of God for this end, that by the use Thereof He may the more fully declare and seal to us the promise of the gospel, namely, that He grants us freely the remission of sin and life eternal for the sake of that one sacrifice of Christ accomplished on the cross.

In church you can hear what God is willing to give, but it can also often be seen. When children are baptized and when the Lord's Supper is administered, you see what God is willing to give. It is then visibly shown to us.

When a teacher at school explains something, the children listen. It is possible that they do not understand very well. Then the teacher will make a drawing on the blackboard, and they understand it much better. They not only hear it, but they also see it.

In such a way the sacraments are signs (think of the drawings on the blackboard). By the sacraments the Lord desires to make known what He desires to give. What is it that He gives? It is forgiveness of sins and eternal life. By grace He desires to give them because Christ has merited them. For this purpose He offered Himself upon the cross. He was sacrificed as a Lamb, as the only Sacrifice.

The sacraments are also seals, which signify that those blessings are truly given. They can be seen with your eyes. He desires to give them, and the Lord also does give these blessings to His children. He says to them, “It is really true that I give you the forgiveness of all sins and eternal life. You must not doubt it, for it is sure and certain!”

Question 67: Are both Word and sacraments, then, ordained and appointed for this end, that they may direct our faith to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only ground of our salvation?

Answer: Yes, indeed, for the Holy Ghost teaches us in the gospel, and assures us by the sacraments, that the whole of our salvation depends upon that one sacrifice of Christ which He offered for us on the cross.

The question asks whether both the Word of God and the sacraments speak of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and whether only by this we can be saved. The answer is given that they both do point to that one sacrifice.

If you have gone astray and no longer know the right way, you may meet someone who again directs you to the right way. Just in that way the Word and sacraments both always direct us to that only sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It is as if they both say that only through that sacrifice can you be saved. That is the only good way. That sacrifice is the only ground of salvation. That is what we must seek, for we all need it.

Question 68: How many sacraments has Christ instituted in the new covenant, or testament?

Answer: Two, namely, holy baptism and the holy supper.

These are the sacraments which the Lord Jesus Himself instituted.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 november 2005

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The Heidelberg Catechism (25)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 november 2005

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