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Thanksgiving Day

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Thanksgiving Day

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Fragments from a Thanksgiving sermon by Rev. G.H. Kersten (1882-1948)

Beloved, “Know ye not that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” This question which the apostle asked should be bound seriously upon our hearts, especially on this Thanksgiving Day. The Lord, during the year which lies behind us, has blessed us abundantly. “He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:10). The grain is in the barns, and the fruits of the land have been gathered, and if the Lord is pleased for a time to withhold this increase because of cold weather, then that which has been stored away will serve as food for our nation. It is only the goodness of the Lord which He has bestowed upon us.

I do not say this only with an eye to the ingathering of fruits of the field but also with an eye upon each of us and our families. Surely, the goodness of the Lord is great, and if we may have an impression of our sins and iniquities, then the Lord’s goodness will become very great for us because for those who may bow before God to the depths of hell, His goodness reaches to the highest heights. This holds true for deliverance from sickness when He gives us health and life; this also holds true for our nation in general. The Lord has bestowed His benefits upon us, and it behooves us to honor Him with thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving Day is at the same time a day which calls to repentance. “Know ye not that the goodness of the Lord leadeth to repentance?” This means forsaking of sins and returning to the God toward whom we have turned the back and in whose communion lies our blessedness and life. Therefore, it is so necessary for us, as well as for our nation, to be constantly shown the reason of all evil, namely sin, and consider that there is a time for repentance. God can cut us off in His righteous judgment, remove us from this life, and pour out the vials of His wrath over the world, but before He comes with His judgments and again strikes the earth with His anathema, He gives a time to return.

Now then, to this given time to seek God, I wish to draw your attention according to the word of the prophet Hosea, the tenth chapter, the last part of verse 12: “Break up your fallow ground: for it is the time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.”

Beloved, this is a serious exhortation given from the Word of God to the entire world. “Break up your fallow ground.” Cut away the weeds because God’s judgments are coming. Surely they are coming with haste. It will be the poisonous hemlock among the grain. Where is it leading to in the world? Answer this by letting your conscience speak. No, rather, let God’s Word tell us because that Word will be fulfilled. With how much concern and anxiety we must view the future when we consider that God is ripening us for new world judgments. Just go back to our former life.

Oh, that it may take hold of us; that we may be humbled before the face of the Lord so that our nation may be kept from the judgments before God becomes tired of us. Now I will say no more about it. The world discusses it, and the politicians present it cautiously, but, my hearers, let us go to God’s Word. That Word says, “Break up your fallow ground, do not go over it in a shallow manner, but cut into it deeply.” This also holds true for the church. “Break up your fallow ground.” God’s Word must cut through, and it must be in such a way that we can say, “Lord, wilt Thou renew us inwardly?”

Nowadays it is a daubing over and speaking peace with words such as, “Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, we are going to heaven,” but these people are mistaken, and their end will turn out differently. Are we not convinced that this is wrong and that not every person is included in the covenant? I would like to know how a person can come out of a broken covenant of works and come into a covenant with God outside of Christ. A child among us can understand that this is impossible. This is plowing with a stubble plow; it is going lightly over the field, only talking a little bit about conversion. My hearers, tell me, “When and where have you become a condemned sinner before God?” You say, “This is too severe; what kind of doctrine is this?” However, can it be otherwise than that we must lose everything and perish with all things of self? Oh, if this takes place how fortunate we would be. The Lord brings a person into the pit. Oh, that I could bring a person into the pit so that he would begin to cry, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” If we begin to say, the plow share must not go in, “then Christ is placed in the background, and to prevent this, it is necessary to plow deeply.”

The Lord still gives us time to seek Him. This Thanksgiving Day could be the last which we celebrate together. Ah, let God’s Word penetrate deeply. Break up your fallow ground. May we hasten for our lives’ sake. When death will overtake us, the world will fall away, and all things of this time state, to which we attach so much importance and are so busy with, will leave us, and then we must appear before God. And then—what will be our portion? May the Lord sanctify His Word to our heart.

Break up your fallow ground, people of God. Set the plow in. On our side we must show evidences of being lost with all of our experiences but saved solely in Christ so that our happiness and praise may be in the Lord. In this way we may seek and find the Lord because oh, the furrowed ground cries for rain. Say it can not be otherwise and neither do I want it in any other way because it has become the life of my life. May this become the exercise of our soul, for otherwise we can sin so easily.

I recollect an example out of my youth. If any of God’s children walked along the street, the children would sometimes gather their playthings and hide because they were afraid these people would speak to them. There was respect for God’s people. It is so different today. Why is that? Because the life in many of God’s people is so far from God, and their object is their own prestige. May we seek the Lord so that righteousness may rain upon us. May God keep His church in whatever oppressions overtake her. The people of God will be delivered. They are a people who have been plowed, and the fruit that this brings forth is to their salvation. May this be our strength and comfort. Soon we will praise God eternally when the perfect day of Thanksgiving shall dawn for us. For we, while on earth, have learned to praise God in a small beginning. May He give us that breaking up of our fallow ground, also in the seriousness of these days. May we find shelter with the Lord and pray that He would rain righteousness out of heaven upon us so that He may receive the honor, the adoration, and the thanksgiving from His people.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 november 2008

The Banner of Truth | 26 Pagina's

Thanksgiving Day

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 november 2008

The Banner of Truth | 26 Pagina's