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Letters to My Young Readers

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Letters to My Young Readers

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

DEANNA VAN RAVENSWAAY — Happy birthday, Deanna. I’m glad your kitten is doing well. They surely can he playful, can’t they? I wonder if, when it seems they are just playing, they really think they are doing quite an important job. They are learning to pounce and hunt and catch. It’s kind of like our dog. It looks like she is just playing when she fetches her ball again and again, but she really takes it very seriously. When she cannot find it, she knows exactly how to scout the entire yard to track it down. I imagine she thinks she is hunting. It is amazing to watch how each animal is created with an instinct.

MARILYN & HENRIETTE HEGER — I’m glad you’ve joined us, Marilyn. Seven years old is quite big already! It is good to remember the texts we hear in church. There are so many beautiful texts in the Bible. Remember to bow your knees often and ask for a new heart, okay? You keep busy doing Bible puzzles, don’t you, Henriette? That’s good. Which books have you earned from the book room?

REBECCA VAN ZANDWIJK — It must have been very interesting to learn about the land of Israel, Rebecca. The Bible tells us so much about Israel, the places in it, and the events which have occurred there. Did your projects turn out well? I hope your mother’s eye will be well again soon. How are your English lessons coming along?

MARIAH VAN LAGEN — Thank you for your letter, Mariah. You have a special day for your birthday, don’t you? When a new year begins on the calendar, you begin a new year of your life, each time again. It is a blessing to be healthy and well year after year. Not all children grow up and become older, and there are children’s hospitals full of sick children. Your dogs must be beautiful. Do you like dogs very much?

SHALYNN VAN WYK — We’re doing well, Shalynn, thank you. Once in a while my children are stuck with a question in the puzzle, too. You can always let me know if a question was too difficult, okay? Actually, you found one more word in the word search than I did. It’s difficult to say how long it takes me to make a puzzle because I work on them in bits and pieces. Sometimes I write quickly, and sometimes it takes me a long time; sometimes I have books with many texts to help me and sometimes I don’t. I suppose that you are almost finished with the school year. Enjoy the last weeks, try your best, and always listen well to what you are learning from the Bible, okay?

SHANEA SINKE — Hello, Shanea. It must have been sad to see your bunny so sick. Maybe the dog that bit him was a hunting dog. I’m sure you were upset. I’m so glad Jasper is better now. Don’t you just love rainbows? I do. When you see a rainbow, think of the first one that was ever put in the sky, right after the flood. How good the Lord was to comfort Noah with His promises.

AMANDA HERFST — I had to think about your question, Amanda. One of my favorite pictures of my boys as toddlers is of them kneeling in a huge green field, picking dandelions. The sky is a clear blue, and the field is all speckled with bright yellow dots. I remember thinking how pretty the field looked with all those dandelions, so I understand how you think they are beautiful. Like you, I like dandelions in a field, but like others, I don’t like them on my front lawn. There are so many places we are able to notice the beauty of God’s creation, aren’t there? How very great God isl Pray often, “Lord, please show me myself and show me Thyself.”

Aunt LenaBeth

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 2010

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Letters to My Young Readers

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 2010

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's