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The Spirit upon All His People

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The Spirit upon All His People

6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD’s people were prophets, and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!” (Numbers 11:29).

Rev. J.B. Zippro, Grand Rapids, MI

What is more necessary in our dark and evil days than an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? What is more necessary than an awakening and a returning to God? Not only in the world but also as a church we find so many things that fill us with deep concern. A spirit of the world has come into our houses and our hearts. Where do we hear of true conversions? Where do we hear of clear revelations and manifestations of Christ in the heart of God’s people? By nature, we do not ask for these things. Since our deep fall we seek our own glory, and we seek the things of this world. We are nothing but flesh, but it has become Pentecost, and the Lord has promised that the Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. May it bring us on our knees with a cry in our heart, “Lord, remember us and our dear children in mercy.” It was Moses, the man of God, who desired that the Lord would pour out His Spirit upon the people of Israel in a rich measure.

Moses is with the children of Israel in the wilderness. He is tired of all the complaints and murmuring. The people complain about the manna, the bread that the Lord had provided in a wonderful way. There is a mixed multitude that had left Egypt and joined the people on their way to Canaan. They soon forgot the wonders that the Lord had wrought. Not long after they left Mount Sinai these people stir up the people of Israel. First, one begins, and then a few more; finally, all begin to cry, “Who shall give us flesh to eat?” They think back to the time they were in Egypt and forget how the Lord had delivered them out of the house of bondage. This is rebellion against the Lord and against Moses. Moses cannot bear it anymore. The burden becomes too heavy. Moses lays his need before the Lord. The Lord hears the prayer of His servant and assures him that He can do wonders. Then the Lord commands Moses to appoint seventy elders and have them come to the tabernacle. There they will receive of the spirit of Moses, and they will prophesy.

However, then we read that there are two people called Eldad and Medad who do not come to the tabernacle. They remain in the camp, and there they prophesy. There they exercise their gift in praying, preaching, and praising God (Matthew Henry). What about these two people? They seem to disregard the authority of Moses. Maybe the news never reached them (Calvin). They start to prophesy in the camp, even without notification and knowledge of Moses. A young man comes to inform Moses about this, and then also Joshua comes forward. He is very much concerned about this. It seemed to have been a just and legitimate concern of Joshua. Not everyone can become a prophet. Not everyone can become a minister. If we are called to prophesy, then it must take place in an orderly way. Therefore, he says, “My lord Moses, forbid them.”

However, what is Moses’ reaction? His reaction is remarkable: “Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!” These are words that reveal a loving heart to God and His people. It is Moses’ hearty wish and desire that the Lord may lay His Spirit upon many, yea, on all His people, young and old, great and small, and not just a few. Moses loves his people, and he wishes that not one would be without the Spirit of prophecy. It is even a prayer to God that the Lord would remember His people. These people are nothing in themselves, and there is no reason why the Lord would do it. Yet, it is Moses’ wish that the people would become partakers of that blessed Spirit. It is his wish and delight that the Lord might be glorified by all. It is not about Moses and his honor, but it is about the honor of the Lord. The more people that will prophesy, the more God will be glorified. The more voices in a choir, the louder the music will sound. That is the wish of Moses in the wilderness.

Our thoughts can be like Joshua’s—too much concerned about outward rules. It can even come forth out of an honest zeal and concern for the honor of God and His Church. Moses was of another spirit, so far from silencing Eldad and Medad and quenching the Spirit in them; he wished that all the Lord’s people were prophets (Matthew Henry). Now, we cannot all become office bearers, but we all need the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That Spirit convicts of sin. That is the first work. Sin becomes truly sin. Guilt becomes guilt. We become a sinner before a holy and righteous God. It is that same Spirit that makes room for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is fairer than the children of men; grace is poured out into His lips (Psalm 45). Jesus becomes most precious for a sinner who has come to an end with all his own works. When the brothers had to come in the dust crying out that God had found out the iniquity of his servants, there Joseph could not refrain Himself.

We need the work of the Holy Spirit in our heart. Nobody can miss it. We all need the same on our way to eternity. We all need a true conversion. Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. We all need the work of God’s Spirit in our heart shall it be well for eternity, and when God calls us for an office in His church, then we need His Spirit in a special way. I hear a little one in grace asking, “Could that also be for me?” Oh, there is fullness with the Lord, and He hears the cry of the needy.

Come, children of God; when was the last time that your heart was filled with His Spirit to testify of the Lord and His mercies? What have we seen of the beauty and comeliness of Jesus Christ? Why is it so silent in our tent? When the Lord comes over, then it does not remain silent. Then the murmuring must stop. The tents of many of the children of Israel were filled with murmuring and complaining, but the tents of Eldad and Medad were filled with joy and gladness!

The voice of gladness and salvation
Is in the tents of righteousness;
There do they sing with adoration,
The Lord’s right hand is strong to bless.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juli 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

The Spirit upon All His People

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juli 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's