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A Prayer for a Prayer

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A Prayer for a Prayer

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“Lord teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1b).

Rev. F. Bakker (1919-1965)

The disciples made this request of the Lord Jesus after they had heard Him pray. They had learned when hearing Christ’s perfect prayer that they themselves could not pray. Thus was born in them a prayer for a prayer. Not to be able to pray is really the first thing that a true prayer learns. That is because he has a closed heart so that a prayer cannot exit and because of a closed heaven where a prayer cannot enter. It is also the question, “How shall we pray?” Even the greatest biblical saints did not know how they must pray. Moses prayed to be allowed to enter the land of Canaan, but he did not pray according to God’s holy will. Paul prayed to be relieved of a thorn in the flesh, but his prayer could not exist before God either.

Who can actually pray as he should? Moses could not do so, and neither could Paul. They prayed contrary to God’s honor and their own salvation. Just imagine if the Lord would grant everything for which we pray; it could be for the eternal detriment of our soul. When it is viewed in such a manner, even the hearing and answering by the Lord of a prayer can be a judgment. There are prayers enough—questions, wishes, longings, and desires without number. Daily they rise up towards heaven, but how few prayers there are wherein the will of God is placed above the will of man. That is the reason for a prayer for a prayer. Such a prayer comes forth out of self-discovery. That is the knowledge of self which makes a person afraid that he will come before the Lord with his own meanings and his own desires. The more self-knowledge there is the more fear there is in performing that holy work. A true supplicator learns that he cannot pray. He becomes so afraid that in the performance of this most holy work his own intentions will come to the foreground.

Have you ever prayed for a prayer? Have you been uncovered to the fact that you are not only prayerless but also that your own words must be a loathing in God’s eye without the Spirit of prayer? This is learned in the school of prayer. There he that prays begins to need a teacher who will pray for him because he himself can no longer find any words which can exist before God. Oh, how downcast it can become for one who truly prays. He does not even have a prayer left in himself, if there would yet be a prayer for a prayer.

For such a helpless one there is yet help, for Christ has poured out His Spirit of prayer at Pentecost. It is this Spirit which can make prayerless ones true supplicators, for He prays for them with groanings which cannot be uttered, while He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Therefore, in order to pray, we need Another. Blessed is he who understands this, for the Spirit will still work in a person who cannot pray. In this manner God is glorified in His own work, for if a prayer shall press in to heaven, then it must be given from heaven. Even a prayer for a prayer is a gift of the Holy Spirit. That makes a true prayer dependent in his praying.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 september 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

A Prayer for a Prayer

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 september 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's