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The Sin Against the Holy Ghost

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The Sin Against the Holy Ghost

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Rev. D. de Wit, Barneveld, the Netherlands

(Fourth of five articles about sin based on The Treasure Book by Zacharias Ursinus)

In doing pastoral work, we regularly hear the anxious question, “Ifear that I have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost” It is, therefore, good to listen to The Treasure Book which so carefully and tenderly discusses the subject of this sin. It is especially meant to be instructive so that people will not get entangled in the evil snares of the devil. We have copied this piece in its entirety from The Treasure Book.

The sin against the Holy Ghost

By the unpardonable sin, or the sin against the Holy Ghost and unto death, is meant a denial of and a willful opposition to the acknowledged truth of God, in connection with His will and works, concerning which the mind has been fully enlightened and convinced by the testimony of the Holy Ghost—all of which proceeds not from fear or infirmity but from a determined hatred of the truth and from a heart filled with bitter malice. This sin, God punishes with perpetual blindness so that those who are guilty of it never repent and, consequently, obtain no pardon. It is called unpardonable not because its greatness exceeds the value of Christ’s merits but because he who commits it is punished with total blindness and does not receive the gift of repentance. It is a sin of peculiarly aggravated nature and is, therefore, followed by punishment in accordance with its character; this punishment is final blindness and impenitency, and where there is no repentance, there is no forgiveness obtained.

“Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Matthew 12:32).

“But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation” (Mark 3:29).

It is called the sin against the Holy Ghost, not that anyone may commit an offense against the Holy Ghost which is not at the same time an offense against the Father and the Son, but by a significant form of speech. This sin is in an especial manner committed against the Holy Ghost, that is, against His peculiar and immediate office and work, which consists in the enlightening of the mind.

It is called by the Apostle John a sin unto death, not because it alone is a mortal sin and deserves death, but, as has just been remarked, because it especially merits death and because all who are guilty of it will most assuredly die, seeing that they never repent or obtain forgiveness. The Apostle John, therefore, does not desire that we should pray for it because it is in vain that we ask God to grant the pardon of it.

The Scriptures also speak of this sin in other places as in Hebrews 6:4-8 and 10:26-29 and in Titus 3:10&11.

Certain rules to be observed in relation to the sin against the Holy Ghost:

1. The sin against the Holy Ghost is not found in every wicked person but only in those who have been enlightened by the Holy Ghost and who have been fully convinced of the truth, as Saul, Judas, etc.

2. Every sin which is against the Holy Ghost is reigning sin, a sin against conscience but not the reverse. For it may occur that someone will, either ignorantly or even knowingly and willingly, hold certain errors or violate some of the commandments of God, from weakness or torture, or from fear of danger, yet not purposely and maliciously impugn the truth or totally fall from holiness and continue in sensuality and a contempt of all that is sacred; however, he may return unto God and repent of his sin. These forms of sin differ, therefore, as genus and species.

3. The sin against the Holy Ghost is not committed by the elect or those who were previously converted. They can never perish, for Christ safely preserves and saves them. “They shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:28; see also 2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Peter 1:5,1 John 5:15). Hence, those who sin against the Holy Ghost were never truly converted and called. They went out from us but were not of us.

4. No one should decide hastily or rashly concerning the sin against the Holy Ghost; yea, judgment should in no case be passed upon any one unless it be posteriori (meaning that it can be deduced from the fruits afterward) because we do not know what is in the heart of man.

(To be continued)

Make us more dead to the world and separate in spirit from it.

— William Tiptaft

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 oktober 2015

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

The Sin Against the Holy Ghost

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 oktober 2015

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's