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Letters to My Young Readers

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Letters to My Young Readers

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Hello Boys and Girls,
Meet some of our quiz members …

Welcome to our new members: Esther Teunissen, Conner & Kornell VandenHoek, and Cameron Ymker. I hope you have a good beginning of the school year. Ask the Lord to bless all that you will learn!

Love, Aunt LenaBeth

McKenzie Spaans

It’s hard to believe how quickly the summer flew by, isn’t it McKenzie? I think most of us had the same feeling you did. I hope you will enjoy 3rd grade. Who is your new teacher? Was your little sister excited to begin preschool? Can you think of a psalter that has words asking the Lord to teach His way of truth?

Sarah & Rebecca Krygsman

It sounds like you have had a wonderful trip visiting Prince Edward Island and other places. I have heard it is a beautiful island. Can you think of someone in the Bible who was banished and imprisoned on an island named Patmos? Thank you, Sarah, for telling me about visiting so many places on your vacation and about Shara, the class trip, camping, card making, and the quiz. I imagine it was quite an accomplishment to learn to walk on stilts all by yourself. Pioneer children lived much different from the way we do today, didn’t they? They had various, simpler toys and other rules in school. Did you have to stand by your desk out of respect and wait for the teacher to allow you to sit down? If you respect others, they will respect you, and we should always respect authority. How is your grandpa doing? How did playing the psalter for the reception go, Rebecca? I love the ocean, but I have never walked far onto the ocean floor when the tide was out like you did. I’m sure that was great. There is a psalter which speaks of God’s grace being wide as the ocean. Do you know which one? The ocean is very wide, isn’t it? What a wonder it is that there is grace, and that it is wide enough for sinners. Were you afraid when you traveled roads around the edge of a mountain? I’m sure the view was breathtaking. The Lord God has made all things so beautiful, and the greatest as well as smallest things in nature are meant to show us a little of His majesty and greatness.

Isaac Stam

You made an interesting observation, Isaac. At first, I thought you meant that the goat in the July Banner of Truth looked incorrect, but then I saw that you meant the printed goats in the June issue. You are quite right. Whoever drew those goats did not do it correctly and drew cow udders. Do you have goats at your farm? I know you have some beautiful hor ses. My daughter went to your farm for the Youth Conference this summer. Which are your f avorite animals on the farm? Do you help with the cows? Pharaoh dreamed about fat and thin cows. The Lord used the dream to warn him of bad times to come. There are also many serious warnings for us in the Bible. For example, we read, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Can you think of some others?

Cameron Ymker

Thank you for your letter, Cameron, and for joining us in making the quizzes. I hope you will enjoy them. Your farm sounds wonderful, and the little calf must be so cute. Is she becoming quite big already? What is the name of your dog and of your cat? We have a new kitten named Gracie. She is adorable and loves to cuddle or play.

Hayley Bosch

Do you still have snow and rain by you, Hayley? Biking around the lake for your holidays must have been wonderful. Was it a big lake? You’re welcome for the quizzes, and yes, they do take time, but I like working with Bible verses and learning from God’s Word. I’m glad you had a good birthday, and I wish you God’s blessing in the year to come. How old are you now? When you are young, you are usually anxious to be a year older, but older people feel each year that they are becoming older quickly and that time flies away. Ask the Lord often if He will help you to seek Him early because we know we have a “today” but we do not know if we have “tomorrow.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Letters to My Young Readers

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's