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Dwelling in Blest Accord (26)

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Dwelling in Blest Accord (26)

(Our Marriage Form)

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The Perfect Prayer

The conclusion of the prayer

The marriage prayer ends with the words: Hear us, Father of all mercy, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, our Lord … (line 157). Here supplication is made to the Father of all mercy. Do you still remember the second benediction, pronounced after both the bridegroom and the bride had given their “yes”? It spoke about the Father of all mercies, who of His grace hath called you to this holy state of marriage (lines 118-119). All mercies come from Him: the workings of the Holy Spirit, the gift of saving faith, the covenant blessing, the blessing of children, and the threefold purpose of bringing up children. God is under no obligation to give us anything, but He can and will do it for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, our Lord (Line 157). In us there is absolutely no reason that the Lord should answer our prayer. It is quite the contrary, for we have sinned away and forfeited everything, but the Lord can and will give an answer, merely of grace, for Jesus’ sake. It is only because His beloved Son offered Himself unto death for the sake of His incorrigible elect bride. For that reason, the Father of all mercy not only can answer but He will answer on the basis of Christ’s merits. On this wedding day, we may, therefore, pray in Jesus’ name, just as we used to do in our infancy, “Cleanse me for Jesus’ sake.”

The perfect prayer

The prayer now ends with the Lord’s Prayer. Surely, we do not consider it as just the Lord’s Prayer? Let us never forget that this prayer is and remains the perfect prayer of the only One who can truly pray. Alas, because of lack of time, the Lord’s Prayer is sometimes rattled off rather quickly during the wedding service. This is such a beautiful prayer, however, that I do not want to skip over it in this chapter. Perhaps you ask yourself, “May everyone pray the Lord’s Prayer?” We answer this question with a whole hearted “yes.” Imagine yourself sitting or standing in church when Psalter 298 is to be sung.

My steadfast heart, O God,
Will sound Thy praise abroad …

If you were to ask me whether you are allowed to sing along, again I would unhesitatingly say “yes.” A different question would be, “Are you able to sing with all your heart?” That is a question which you must answer between God and your soul. You may likewise pray the Lord’s Prayer, but whether you can do it you must answer before God’s countenance. Just like the disciples, you should ask often that the Lord Himself will teach you to pray the perfect prayer. It is a short, beautiful prayer. The words are given into the heart of people who cannot pray. One concept after another is set before people who of themselves would pray quite differently. Lord’s Days 45-52 of our Heidelberg Catechism explain it petition by petition. In this chapter we will only explain it briefly.

Begin with God

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come (line 158); that is how the perfect prayer begins. Thus, the prayer begins with God in heaven. It speaks of Thy name … Thy kingdom … Thy will. The prayer does not begin with a list of all kinds of earthly needs, which is what we would do. It does not begin with I and another I. Indeed, the word I does not occur at all in this prayer. What a lesson this is for self-centered people.

Although earthly needs and matters do have their place in the Lord’s Prayer, they are not found in the first place but in the fourth place. That should also serve as a lesson for us, for we are such self-centered people. The Spirit of grace and supplications must dissuade us from our selfish and earthly-minded prayers. We must learn to begin our prayer with God and with heavenly-mindedness.

Thy … three times

Next, the word Thy is used three times: Thy name, Thy kingdom, and Thy will. We have already been told that the honor of God is the foremost concern. Just think of the petition: in order that they … may bring up the children which Thou wilt be pleased to give them, in the fear of the Lord, to the honor of Thy holy name, to the edification of Thy church, and to the extension of Thy holy gospel (lines 153-156). At the end, it is solely about God’s honor. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

Why should the Lord answer? Because I pray … I have … I am …? No, that will never be the reason. Then what reasons does the Lord have? If you find nothing in yourself but sin and guilt, then just listen: For Thine … There are three reasons in God Himself which the heavenly Intercessor Himself presents: Thou Thyself wilt care for Thy heavenly kingdom by showing Thy power and working toward the glorification of Thy perfections. That is the threefold foundation for a prayerless people who repeatedly have to ask, “Lord, teach us to pray.” So it is with Jesus’ own words and on the basis of His merits. The prayer begins with God in heaven and ends with God’s eternal honor and glorification. Young friends, let us see how our personal and family prayers measure up against this perfect prayer.

Our … three times

This prayer not only tells us that we must love God but also how we must behave toward our neighbor. There are three references to the word our: our daily bread, our forgiveness, and our preservation. From your wedding day onward, your neighbor is, first of all, your own husband or your own wife. In a marriage, it is no longer about I but about our. Our children, whom the Lord may be pleased to give us, are also included among our neighbors. Husband, wife, and children have their own place in the prayer. The circle for whom prayer is made is larger, of course, but in this context, I want to emphasize the family circle.

After using Thy three times (name, kingdom, will), three ours (necessities, forgiveness, preservation) follow. With our daily bread, we may include all things necessary for our body, for things we cannot do without for this temporal life. This refers to health, courage, divine calling (or occupation), income, etc.

The fifth petition, the forgiveness of our debts, refers to the willingness to forgive. The plea that the Lord will forgive us after we have forfeited it again is inseparably connected to the submitting and stooping down before our neighbor when he or she has harmed us. What a great thing it is when we, in the daily practice of family life, may together confess our transgressions and wickedness which always cling to us. Then we can erase them and start over with a clean slate.

Finally, we come to the petition for preservation. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. The evil one continually wants to destroy and ruin the beautiful and good works of God and attacks marriage and family life from all directions. He knows how beneficial marriage and family are for the individual, society, and the church. That is why he will do all he can do to destroy it. Therefore, pray this prayer daily. Do not overestimate yourself. Ask to lie close to the Lord, close to each other, and close to His Word and ordinances. Preservation, preservation, preservation—we need it so badly.

(To be continued)

Rev. G.J. Van Aalst, Klaaswaal, the Netherlands

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Dwelling in Blest Accord (26)

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