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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dear Boys and Girls,

Jessica felt a thrill tingle through her as the organist began to play a louder song. This was her cue. Her eyes sparkling with excitement, she grasped her basket of flowers tightly and began to walk down the aisle slowly. She saw Tom standing in front of the church, and he was smiling at her. Tom was marrying her sister Sophia today. Soon, Tom and Sophia would be husband and wife. Jessica knew how long they had waited for this day. First, Tom had finished college, and then Sophia had surgery. Now, finally, the happy day was here.

Jessica smiled back at Tom, but Tom was looking past her now. From his eyes shone all the love that had grown over the years. He was looking at his bride. How often he had shown Sophia that he wished they would belong to each other one day. When he was far away, he had sometimes sent her flowers, and not a day passed by in which they did not talk together. Sophia was coming towards him now, and her face radiated joy. An engagement ring sparkled on her finger. Always, it had reminded her of Tom’s promise, of Tom’s love. He had won her heart, and she longed to share her life with him.

There is another bride, of which we read in the Bible. This bride has a Bridegroom who is everything to her. The bride is the Church of God, God’s people. The Bridegroom is Jesus Christ. Once, God’s people did not belong to Him and did not love Him. They cared about themselves and did not feel sorry when they sinned against Him. However, before they were even born, the Lord Jesus had chosen them to one day be His bride. He promised that He would pay for their sins, would buy them to be His, and would win them over to Himself. He promised that He would undertake to be everything for them—He would love His people, cherish them, and make their honor, interests, and happiness, His honor, interests, and happiness.

Another word for being engaged which is used in the Bible is “betroth.” The Lord says to those whom were chosen to be His bride, “I will betroth thee unto Me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto Me in faithfulness; and thou shalt know the Lord.”

While these people live on this earth, He comes to draw them with His love. The Holy Spirit makes their hearts alive so that they begin to feel a need for that Bridegroom. The Bridegroom draws their hearts with secret teachings and inward touches. His Word is applied to their heart in soft whispers, promises, and smiles, and sometimes He shows or applies His suffering and dying love for them. When He shows them a little of Himself, they see that He is “altogether lovely.” Without Him, they have no hope, no faith, no light, and no life.

They are so happy when they may hear, “For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is His name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; the God of the whole earth shall He be called.” The bride is full of sin and can be unfaithful, but the Bridegroom always remains faithful. Many of those people are afraid they will never or do not belong to this bride of Jesus Christ, but one day, in heaven, it will become true what is written in His Word: “As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.”

Look up the following texts. If they speak of a bride, place the text in the box labeled “bride,” if bridegroom, in the box “bridegroom,” and if both, in both boxes.

Isaiah 49:18, Isaiah 61:10, Isaiah 62:5, Jeremiah 2:32, Jeremiah 7:34, Jeremiah 33:11, Luke 5:34, John 3:29, Revelation 21:9, Revelation 22:17



1. How many texts did you place in the box “bride” _____ and how many in “bridegroom” _____?

For the Younger Children

Match the correct husband to the correct wife.

2. Ruth ____________, Leah ____________, Rebekah ____________, Elizabeth ____________

Jacob Zacharias Boaz Isaac

Fill in the missing words.

3. Luke 14:8 : “When thou ___________ bidden of any man to a ___________, sit not down in the highest ___________; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him.”

For the Older Children

Use the code to figure out the hidden texts which speak of weddings mentioned in the Bible.

Answers to last month’s “Longing” quiz:

1. Unfailing 446:3

2. See 114:1

3. Streams 115:1

4. Grace 116:1

5. Face 117:1

6. Flood 118:1

7. About 17

8. E,C,F,G,D,B,A

Please send your answers to the address shown below:
Aunt LenaBeth
180 Jacobs Road, Newfoundland, NJ 07435
Fax: 973-409-4549
E-mail: auntlenabeth@gmail.com

Answers to previous quizzes were received in October from:

Anabelle Berkenbush (2)
William Berkenbush (2)
Martena Blom
Willem Blom
Hayley Bosch
Stephanie Bouman
Bryce De Blieck
Kacie Driesen
Michelle Driesen
Sam Driesen
Toby Driesen
Weston Ekema
Anika Engelsma
Kayla Engelsma
Drake Finley
Kari Groen
Kurtis Groen
Daniel Hup (2)
Ashley Knibbe
Ben Knibbe
Brennan Knibbe
Caylea Knibbe
Courtney Knibbe
Jarynne Knibbe
Lindsey Knibbe
Lydia Knibbe
Nathan Knibbe
Olivia Knibbe
Arik Korevaar
Jenna Korevaar
Rebekah Korevaar
Rebecca Krygsman
Sarah Krygsman
Jacob Mol
Krystina Mol (2)
Lydia Mol
Maria Mol (3)
Rachel Mol
Sabrina Mol
Marquita Oostenbrink (2)
Jayden Overbeek (3)
Andrew Remijn
Alex Rus
Gavin Spaans
Jacob Spaans
McKenzie Spaans
Tucker Spaans
Alyssa Sporte (2)
Heidi Sporte (4)
Kayelyn Sporte (4)
Evelyn Stubbe
Colin Ten Hove
Derek Teunissen (2)
Esther Teunissen (2)
Joel Teunissen (2)
Lydia Teunissen (2)
Aaliyah Timmer
Andrew VanBrugge
Anna VanBrugge
Austin Van Den Top
Aart Vander Waal
Elaina Vander Waal
Leonore Van Ruitenburg
Jace Van Voorst
Ellie Van’t Zelfde
Jonathan Van’t Zelfde
Levi Van’t Zelfde
Alyssa VandeBruinhorst
Jennifer VandeBruinhorst
Alivia Vande Hoef
Micah Vande Hoef
Gerrit Vanden Broek
Ian Vanden Broek
TreenaVanden Broek
Conner Van den Hoek
Kornell Van den Hoek
Markus Van den Hoek
Art Vander Waal
Elaina Vander Waal
Arianna Verhoef
Jonathan Wesdyk
Laura Wesdyk
Rebekah Wesdyk

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 december 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 december 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's