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Private Thoughts About God

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Private Thoughts About God

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

All spiritual happiness is in God, and inseparable from Him, and there is no possibility of the creature’s receiving any but by being in Him. The gospel only teaches the necessity of this union, and the precious means and mystery of it by Christ.

The mercy of God is the first article of every man’s creed; but the different manner of understanding and applying it, makes an essential, infinite difference in the characters of men, and constitutes either religion or atheism.

Nothing but love can unite with and enjoy love. The nature of God must be in us before it can be a good to us.

The will of God is God; and to love one without the other is impossible.

The way to be humble is to look upwards to God. If we think greatly of His majesty, purity, and infinity of all excellence, it will give us such a striking view of our vileness and absolute unworthiness, that we shall think is hardly possible for any to be lower than ourselves.

Though God reveals His own character in His word, He reserves to Himself the revelation of it to us by His word. Whenever He discovers Himself effectually and savingly, the heart knows it is He, and not the mere word that hath done it.

I long to know more of that Being who made the world, and to whom I have so many obligations.

God takes the same care of me, and I ought to have the same regard to Him, as if there were no other being in nature but Him and myself.

God’s punishment and favors, though delayed, are as certain in His own time and manner, as His eternal unchangeable justice and goodness.

If God would give me all in heaven and earth, without Himself, I should be extremely and forever miserable.

God gives His help, not by forcing, but secretly inclining and changing the will, and bringing it with freedom and full consent to a conformity with His own.

He is God to govern his own world, and not I.

God is happy in His own will, and makes it known to us that we may be happy in it too.

If I am not happy in the will of God, I can be happy in nothing else: I shall be emphatically cursed with my own.

God offers Himself in Christ to be our portion, possession, and happiness; and the man who can be contented with anything less, is neither worthy to receive him, nor qualified to enjoy Him.

He Who sends the storm, steers the vessel.

God denies us nothing, but with a design to give us something better.

If he forbids a lust, it is to give Himself. O wretched man! that ever
thy heart should be so blind, so hard, so long in choosing!

Rev. Thomas Adam (1701-1784) was a godly divine and student of lohn Newton, who pastored a congregation in Lincolnshire for 58 years. Like John Newton, he remained within the Anglican Church all his life.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 september 1985

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Private Thoughts About God

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 september 1985

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's