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The Heidelberg Cathechism Explained for Children (47)

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The Heidelberg Cathechism Explained for Children (47)

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This Lord’s Day speaks about the first petition.

Question 122: Which is the first petition?

Answer: “Hallowed be Thy name”; that is, grant us, first, rightly to know Thee, and to sanctify, glorify, and praise Thee in all Thy works, in which Thy power, wisdom, goodness Justice, mercy, and truth are clearly displayed; and further also, that we may so order and direct our whole lives, our thoughts, words, and actions, that Thy Name may never be blasphemed, but rather honored and praised on our account.

The first petition is the first thing for which prayer is made. In this petition three things are requested. In the first place it asks, “Grant us rightly to know Thee.” Thus it speaks about knowing the Lord. How is it possible to know Him? For this knowledge we need His Word, the Bible. People who do not have the Bible cannot learn to know the Lord. If we read the Bible, which we should do often, we can know much about the Lord. Indeed, the Lord makes Himself known by His Word. In order to know Him rightly, however, we also need the Holy Spirit. Why? Well, the Holy Spirit alone can teach us to know the Lord with our heart. What does it mean to know the Lord rightly and to know the Lord with our heart?

In natural life we know many people, such as those who five in our neighborhood and those with whom we sit in church. When do you really learn to know someone? That happens when you talk to him and think about him often, also when you are with the person frequently. An example of this could be a husband and wife who are together in married fife, or it could be two good friends such as David and Jonathan. It could be children with their father and mother. These persons know each other with the heart; indeed, they love each other, and they increasingly learn to know each other better. They feel themselves bound to each other. They trust and do not like to be without each other.

This is what takes place if we learn to know the Lord rightly with our hearts; we need the Holy Spirit to teach us this. He bestows true faith and love in the heart. You will recall that if you have true faith, you will feel miserable and wretched without the Lord. A person who learns to know the Lord also learns to know himself as a sinful person. Then he begins to know the Lord as a righteous Lord who is also gracious and merciful. He learns to love Him, and he cannot be without Him; he then begins to place his trust in Him.

In the second place, “Hallowed be Thy name” means, “Lord, grant us to honor and praise Thee in all that Thou doest.” In all that the Lord does He reveals His power, wisdom, and goodness. One can also see His justice, mercy, and truth. These six words may be difficult words for you, so we will explain their meaning to you.

Power: Indeed, only look at what the Lord has created! Can anyone but an almighty God do such a thing?

Wisdom: All people and creatures on earth receive food and drink. How wise God is in being able to do so.

Goodness: How good God is that He provides so well for us sinful people.

Justice: When God punishes a person, He always does that righteously. The Lord is honorable in all that He does.

Mercy: The Lord is willing to help those in need; often He makes very sick people well again.

Truth: What God says is always the truth, and He always fulfills what He promises.

Do you know when the Lord especially shows that He is powerful, wise, good, just, and merciful? It is when He gives someone a new heart!

There is yet a third part in our answer. What else is prayed for in this petition? “Lord, wilt Thou grant that in all that we do, Thy Name is honored and praised, and that we always think of Tby honor.” Indeed, that must be true. It is not only in all that we do, but also in all that we say and think. This must be true throughout our entire life. Is that not how the Lord created man? Adam and Eve praised God in all that they did and by all that they said and thought. Because of sin, our wicked hearts no longer desire God’s honor, but we want to honor and praise ourselves. Because of our own fault, often God’s Name is not hallowed but blasphemed. Because of sin, that is what we do. How terrible; therefore, we must pray, “Lord, give me a new heart. Grant that my heart may become different, and that I may have a good heart, so that I may learn to honor and praise Thee in all that I do, and by all that I say and think. Grant that this may again be my purpose every day and that I may constantly think of Thy honor. Then Thy Name will be hallowed.”

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The Heidelberg Cathechism Explained for Children (47)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 oktober 2007

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