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Letters to My Young Readers

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Letters to My Young Readers

5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

BETHANY ALEMAN — You did a great job on the last puzzle, Bethany; I’m glad that you have begun doing them. It was so good to receive a picture of you and your family. Thank you so much. What a beautiful present you received for your birthday. I hope you read your new Bible often. Do you have a favorite Bible story or Bible book? Maybe you can pray this little prayer before you read, “Oh, may the Spirit teach and make my heart receive the Truth which all His servants preach and all His saints believe.”

BETHANY KANIS — Christmas truly is a wonderful commemoration, Bethany. Did you hear how the Lord Jesus was born on this sin-cursed earth? Did you think about it? He is God, and His great love is shown by His coming down to earth. “Glory to God,” the angels sang, and that is the first and foremost reason for Christ’s birth, isn’t it?

GEMMA & CARLYE KRUL — You have seen your names in The Banner of Truth by now, right, girls? Did you enjoy your break from school and your oma’s birthday, and did you have snow in which to play? It seems that no one has had much snow yet; usually, by this time, I have answered quite a few letters which are about playing in the snow. Pray often the words David prayed, “Wash me whiter than the snow.”

HEIDI SPORTE — Hello, Heidi, it’s good to hear from you. Thank you so much for your picture. I like it very much. Are you enjoying your new books? How is school going for you? You were probably happy to have a break from it in December. I’m glad you like the Bible stories. It is amazing when you read how many people Jesus so kindly healed while on earth, and we read in His Word that if all the things the Lord Jesus did were written down, the whole world would not be able to contain those books.

MYLES KERKHOFF — Thank you for joining us, Myles, and for telling me about yourself. Of all your animals, which is your favorite? I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to choose between goats, chickens, rabbits, dogs, and goldfish. Do you help take care of them? I hope as you work on the puzzles that God’s Word may be for you what we read in Psalter 322, “How shall the young direct their way? What light shall be their perfect path? Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead, if in its wisdom they confide.”

SHAUNELLE KERKHOFF — I’m glad you’ve joined us, as well, Shaunelle. You certainly have plenty of wildlife where you live. I would like to see a coyote. Do you hear them yip sometimes? The Bible does not mention coyotes, but it does speak of dogs and wolves. Search, for example, 1 Kings 21:19, Zephaniah 3:3, and Matthew 10:16. I hope you will enjoy the next puzzle, and I hope to hear from you again.

JANNETTE SCHIPPER — Thank you for your colorful letter, Jannette. How are Buddy, Beauty, and Abby doing? I hope you and your family have had a happy and healthy new year so far. We need the Lord’s care each day, don’t we? In the New Year, try to think often of this little verse, “I’m not too young to sin, I’m not too young to die, I’m not too little to begin a life of faith and joy.” Ask the Lord for this every day, okay?

KORALEE VAN DER VEEN — I really enjoyed your long letter, Koralee. I’m glad you’ve joined us. I like the songs you sang at the Christmas program. Did the program go well? Did you know that your teacher was once my teacher? From the drawing you made I can see that you have a very nice Bible from TBS. Take good care of it, but above all, read it often, okay? Perhaps you could even read it to your younger brothers and sister if they can’t read yet. Ask the Lord to bless it to your heart.

A big thank you to all my writers and puzzlers and your families for your best wishes in the New Year. Thank you to the Vrieselaars, Kiebooms, Alemans, Sportes, Fluffs, and Van der Veens for your new pictures, as well. It is always so pleasant to attach answers I receive to faces and people — new ones or familiar ones who have grown. I’d like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and blessed 2012 in return. When you read this, the New Year will already have been well begun, and I hope this finds you safe and in good health. May the Lord remember us in the unknown future and give us hearts that are enabled to place their trust in Him alone for all things. Above all, may God’s Word be a blessing to each of our hearts in this new year, and may we together pray for the one thing needful.

Aunt LenaBeth

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 februari 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Letters to My Young Readers

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 februari 2012

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's