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1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

To the Netherland Reformed Churches in North America and the Netherlands.

On April 25, 1965 at 2 P.M. after almost 60 years, the Rev. M. Heerschap of the Peoples Park Church in Paterson, conducted the last service for the Eben Haezer Neth. Ref. Church — Holland — of Haledon Ave., Paterson, N.J. as a separate church. Known as the Eben Haezer Neth. Ref. Ch. with a separate English branch, they have now become one church, the consistory and the members having transferred their membership to the English congregation.

June 21, 1906 they were organized as a church by the Rev. Contant; and at a meeting held on Jan. 3, 1907 with the following officers from Grand Rapids present: Rev. C. Pieneman, Elder A. Merizon and Deacon A. Van Eck. An Agreement was reached whereby they were joined to the Neth. Ref. Churches in America and the Netherlands. The church has had 2 ministers since; Rev. N. H. Beversluis and the Rev. A. Van Dyke.

The church will continue under the same name, the Ebenezer Neth. Ref. Church, and there will be one Holland service every Sunday at 2 P.M.

All correspondence must now be addressed to Mr. Robert Fletcher, 345 Steinhauser Lane, Wychoff, N.J.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 1965

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 1965

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's