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A Call to Listen

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A Call to Listen

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“Listen, O isles, unto Me; and hearken, ye people, from far” (Isaiah 49:1a)

A call to the heathen

Blessed promises are spoken by the Lord by means of the prophet Isaiah to the house of Jacob and the nation of Israel at the conclusion of the preceding chapter. The Lord will bring them again out of Babylon. However, lest we think that the prophecy is completely fulfilled in this way, our text shows that the prophesy has a more extensive meaning.

This prophecy would first be completely fulfilled by the coming and work of the Mediator. He Himself it is who is here speaking, “Listen unto Me!” He directs His call to the isles and the people afar off, namely, those who live on the other side of the ocean, the heathens. He calls them to listen attentively to what He has to declare unto them. In that which follows Christ begins to speak about His calling and mission in this world for the deliverance of His people.

A call to us

This call also goes forth to the present time, not only to those who live in distant lands, but also to us. He summons those who do not fear Him, as it were, before His judgment seat, to convince them of their foolishness of seeking help outside of Him. The Lord presents Himself as the Savior for sinners, not only for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles (see verse 6).

How great it is, and what a wonder of condescending goodness, that the greatest prophet, the Lord Himself, is willing to speak to insignificant, sinful men as we are, and that He so urgently stirs us up to listen to His voice, saying, “Listen unto Me and hearken!” However, man by nature will not listen to His words and will not take His counsel to heart. This is applicable to all people, Jew and Gentile.

What we by nature lack, the Lord is willing to grant to those who learn to pray uprightly.

I will, if thou plead
Fill thine every need,
All thy wants relieving.

The good part

It is so good to lie at the feet of this Teacher of righteousness. Mary of Bethany knew of this. She had chosen that good part. The words of the Master were her food and drink. It is this spiritual food and drink which He places before us through His Word, saying, “Listen unto Me, and hearken! There is with Me a good which never fades away.” This He offers at the market of free grace. It is to be bought without money and without price.

Do ask the Lord to give what we of ourselves do not have — a hearing ear and understanding heart. One day the invitation shall cease.

While He proffers peace and pardon
Let us hear His voice today,
Lest, if we our hearts should harden,
We should perish in the way.

Rev. Silfhout serves the congregation of Hendrik Ido Ambacht in the Netherlands.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 maart 1998

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

A Call to Listen

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 maart 1998

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's