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8 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

There are some circumstances in the life of Oliver Heywood, who was a persecuted minister of the seventeenth century, which afford us pleasing ideas of the providential care of God towards His people. The following anecdote, says his biographer, is authentic. It is said that his little stock of money was quite exhausted, the family provisions were entirely consumed. Martha, a maid servant who had lived with the family for several years, and who often assisted them, could now lend no more assistance from the little savings of former days. Mr. Heywood still trusted that God would provide, when he had nothing but the divine promise to live upon. He said,

“When cruse and barrel both are dry.
We still will trust in God most high.”

When the children began to be impatient for want of food, Mr. Heywood called his servant, and said to her, “Martha, take a basket, and go to Halifax; call upon Mr. ? .... , the shopkeeper, in Northgate, and tell him, I desire to lend me five shillings; if he will be kind enough to do it, buy us some cheese, some bread, and such other little things you know we must want; be as prompt as you can in returning, for the poor children begin to be fretful for want of something to eat. Put on your hat and cloak, and the Lord give you good speed: in the meantime we will offer up our requests to Him Who feedeth the young ravens when they cry, and Who knows what we have need of before we ask Him.”

Martha followed her master’s directions; but when she came near the house where she was ordered to beg for the loan of five shillings, through timidity and bashfulness, her heart failed her. She passed by the door again and again, without having courage to go in and tell her errand. At length Mr. ? .... , standing at his shop door, and seeing Martha in the street, called her to him, and said, “Are you not Mr. Heywood’s servant?” When she had with an anxious heart answered yes he added, “I am glad to have an opportunity to see you; some friends at M ... . have given me five guineas for your master, and I was just thinking how I could arrange to send it.” Martha burst into tears, and for some time could not utter a syllable. The necessities of the family, their trust in Providence, the seasonableness of the supply, and a variety of other ideas breaking in upon her mind at once, quite overpowered her. At length she told Mr. ?….upon what errand she came, but that she had no courage to ask him to lend her poor master money. The tradesman could not but be affected with the story, and told Martha to come to him when the like necessity should press upon them at any future time. She hurried to procure the necessary provisions, and, with a heart lightened of its burden, ran home to tell the success of her journey.

The spirit of persecution raged so warmly against him that this worthy man was under the necessity of taking leave of his dear family, and going he knew not where. But the question was, how he should be equipped for his journey? He had a horse, but the little money that remained must be left for the support of the family, for whom Mr. Heywood was much more concerned than for himself. One winter’s morning when it was yet dark, the horse was saddled; and this good man, after bidding goodbye to his affectionate wife, and saluting the children in their beds, set out, like Abraham, when he left his father’s house, not knowing whither he went. He moved silently along in by-ways for some time, for fear of being seen, till he had gotten out of the neighborhood. Having not one cent in his pocket to bear his traveling expenses, he committed himself to the protection of Providence. He determined at length to leave the horse at full liberty to go what way it would, and thus traveled on for a considerable part of the day, till both man and beast stood in great need of refreshment. Towards evening the horse bent its course to a farm house, a little out of the road. Mr. Heywood called at the door, and a clean, decent woman came out to inquire what he wanted. “I have reason,” said he, “to make an apology for giving you this trouble, being an entire stranger in these parts. My horse stands in need as I do of shelter and refreshment for the night: if you could any way make it convenient to furnish him with a little hay, and stand under cover, and myself with a seat by your fireside, I ask no more.” The good woman, a little surprised at his request, told him she would consult her husband. After a few minutes, they both came to the door, and Mr. Heywood repeated his solicitation; but told them that he had no money to satisfy them for any trouble they might have on his account; yet he hoped that God would reward them. They immediately desired him to alight; the master led the horse into the stable, and the mistress took the stranger into the house, invited him to sit down, stirred up the fire, and began to prepare something to eat. Mr. Heywood told her, that he was concerned to see her give herself so much trouble ; that, being unable to make her any recompense, he did not request either supper or bed, but only that he might sit by the fireside till morning. The mistress assured him, that for an act of hospitality she did not expect any reward, and that, though the accommodations her house would afford were but modest, he should be welcome to them, and therefore she hoped he would make himself comfortable. After supper, they all sat down before the fire, and the master of the house desired to know of the stranger, what countryman he was. — “I was born,” said he, “in Lincolnshire, but I have a wife and children in the neighborhood of Halifax.” “That is the town,” said the farmer, “where I have been: and some years ago I had a little acquaintance with several persons there. Pray, do you know Mr. S…., and Mr. D___? and is the old Mr. F….yet alive?” The stranger gave suitable answers to these many and other inquiries. At length the kind hostess asked him, if he knew anything of one Mr. Oliver Heywood, who was formerly a minister at some chapel not from Halifax, but was now, for some account or other, forbidden to preach? The stranger replied, “There is a great deal of noise and talk about that man; some speak well, others say everything that is bad of him; for my part, I can say little in his favor.” “I believe,” said the farmer, “he is of that sect which is every where spoken against; but, pray do you personally know him? and why is it that you form such a slight opinion of his character?” “I do know something of him,” said the stranger, “but as I do not choose to propagate an ill report of any one, if you please we will talk on some other subject.”

After keeping the farmer and his wife in suspense for some time, who were a little uneasy at what he had said, he told them, that he was the poor outcast of whom they had made so many inquiries. All was then surprise, and joy, and thankfulness, that a merciful Providence had brought him under their roof. The master of the house said, “Mr. Heywood, I am glad to see you here, having long had a sincere regard for you, from the favorable reports I heard of you. The night is not far spent. I have a few neighbors who love the gospel; if you will give us a word of exhortation, I will run and acquaint them. This is an obscure place, and as your coming here is not known, I hope we shall have no interruption.” Mr. Heywood consented; a small congregation was gathered; and he preached to them with that fervor, affection and enlargement, which attending circumstances served to inspire. On this joyful occasion, a small collection was voluntarily made to help the poor traveler on his way.

There is hardly any article under which a greater fund of matter might be brought forward than under this Providence. Indeed, the life of almost every individual presents us with some singular events relative to the dispensations of Providence. Most men, who have any sense of the Divine favor at all, have seen something or other remarkable in the course of their lives, which must lead them to adore the wise designs and kind interpositions of Him Who governs the universe at large, and each inhabitant thereof in particular.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 april 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 april 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's