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2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Calls Extended:

To Rev: A. Snoep, of Vlissingen, the Netherlands by the Unionville, Ontario, Canada, Congregation.

To Rev. A. Den Boer of Ridderkerk, the Netherlands by the Norwich, Ontario Canada Congregation.


The Deputies for correspondence with Foreign Churches wish to make known: —

That Rev. A. Hofman of Scheveningen, the Netherlands hopes to visit and serve some of the churches in the U.S.A. and Canada during the month of September 1971. His visit will be limited to five Sundays.

Rev. Hofman will speak in the Holland language only. Those congregations wishing to be included in his itinerary should write to him as follows: —

Rev. A. Hofman

Nieboerweg No. 218

‘s Gravenhage

The Netherlands


The new address for the clerk of the Sheboygan, Wisconsin Congregation is:

Leonard Kaat

1607 North 16th St.

Sheboygan, Wis. 53081

Will the clerks of the various Consistories please take notice and correct their Year Books accordingly.


Out of twelve applicants to the theological school only one was accepted (Mr. Karels of Rotterdam) as a student.

Five students were declared candidates for the ministry. Their names are as follows — M. J. Van Helder, J. M. Kleppe, J. Koster, D. Riedyk and J. W. Verwey.


Gifts received for the Banner of Truth in June 1971. From the Franklin Lakes, Congregation — $75.00. With appreciation — The Banner of Truth Committee

It is not for us to decide how much or how little grace and faith are necessary for salvation, nor how clear and full a hope of confidence it may be blessed with. But we know that the Lord must communicate some sense of His goodness and mercy to take away the guilt of sin, and the doubts and fears that haunt the mind. It is a very great point to be made spiritually sincere before God; to be convinced of sin by the Holy Spirit; to have some experimental discovery of the Lord Jesus Christ to the soul, so as to raise up a living faith, hope, and love in Him.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juli 1971

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juli 1971

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's