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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Beloved Congregation of Rotterdam-Central,

“After the sour, He gives the sweet,” so says the rhymed version of the 77th Psalm. For those that fear God this is not a strange statement. Their whole spiritual life is an alternation of sour and sweet. The ways in which the Lord leads them are at times so incomprehensible. They know the heights of their spiritual life when the Lord reveals Himself in their souls, but also the depths wherein it seems that the Lord has departed far from them.

Upright souls will examine themselves by the grace of God to learn why it might be that they are walking in such darkness upon this earth. To have communion with God has become the only thing and everything for them and they really feel it if there is something that stands between the Lord and their soul. There may be sins with which they grieve God and why He has to withdraw His Holy Spirit somewhat. It may also be that the Lord is trying His people, which shall ultimately be for their good. See this in the life of Abraham when he had to go and offer his only son, Isaac: “For now I know that thou fearest God.”

Now the Lord knew this very well, for He Himself had made Abraham God-fearing. But Abraham could enjoy the blessed fruit when he heard it from God’s own lips. He would be extraordinarily blessed for his temporal and eternal life, and at the same time would be a father of all believers of his own seed and that of the heathens.

God’s people will meet with trials which shall be for their own profit. Even if it is thus, that they must ask themselves as Asaph, “Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will He be favorable no more? Is His mercy clean gone for ever? doth His promise fail for evermore? Hath God forgotten to be gracious?” etc.

After all the sour He gives the sweet of, “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all Thy work, and talk of Thy doings.” Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. God’s deeds shall be spoken about.

Well, we must speak about them also. You have now at any rate heard that our air strip has been declared unfit for use. Perhaps it has shocked you, just as it has us, and you have probably asked, What now? We have also been troubled with this question, but we and our boys received liberty to go with all this to the Lord. People of God, this is the best place, is it not?

Oh, what a blessing it is if we may receive grace to flee with all our concerns to God and make known unto Him all our needs! It already gives spiritual relief if we may pour out our heart before Him. “Cast all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” This is the God Who has made heaven and earth. He will now look down in Christ Jesus upon such futile worms, who do not know it of themselves any more.

It is my firm conviction that the Lord will not let a poor and needly supplicant stand ashamed, and that He will answer his prayers. This answer may sometimes not be very pleasant for our flesh, but an answer will come, no matter how.

With all the darkness we may believe that the Lord will give us the beams of light of His divine leading as follows: In the first place we may believe that the Lord has given us this valley, and therewith our congregations were privileged to open their first pioneer-field. Think about this for a moment. The Word of God has never been brought upon this place or heard here. For many hundreds of years the people have lived here in darkness.

But in the second place, no strip can be made here, and we are constrained to go to the next valley. We hear the Word: “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.” Our way lies forward, and with the help of the Lord we are constrained and called upon to open a second field. Do you not find, with me, that it is something great that our congregations are being used for this? “How holy is His Name!”

But now we come to the conclusion, that the sour does not seem sour at all, but only sweetness. In our own eyes it appeared sour, but behind that sour was the sweetness of God’s wonderful leading and direction.

Congregation, these are a few words from your missionary, who is presently sitting in his hut to write. The Lord has called and qualified, not in the least as regards soul and spirit. A long road of suffering the Lord has used for this. During that suffering I was not spared painful lonesome-ness, but now I see to what end that all has served. Here also I am alone, but I do not feel it, because the Lord has prepared me for this task. Naturally I rejoice over the fact that my wife will now soon come, the Lord willing, but a parting will come again when I must go to the new place.

But if we are given to understand something of Luke 5:11, “They forsook all, and followed Him,” then it can be done, because we have seen something of the glory of God. “Forsake all for Jesus’ sake!” It was once impossible for me, and when thinking about it tightness gripped my throat. But if the Lord requires it, and He Himself appears with it, then it can be done. “I shall sing His praises even in the night.”

Are you struggling with me? It is so necessary!

With a brotherly greeting, and heartily commended unto the Lord,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1963

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juni 1963

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's