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Being a Dialogue For Children and Parents

8 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Father—Children, there are many stories about in the world but most of them are untrue and therefore very dangerous, wicked, and misleading. One of these stories is that the world made itself—tumbled together, atom (meaning particles of matter) fell upon atom, and thus the earth was formed. How God dishonoring do men act in crediting this world, which is inactive and powerless in itself, with tumbling together and becoming a hugh mass which has eventually developed into the present gorgeous, magnificent and awe-inspiring beauty with its various seasons and productions.

Joan—Well, they teach those things in some schools and if it were not so why may they teach such things?

Father—If they teach such things at school it is against God and His holy Word. Therefore, never believe anything that you are taught in school or read in your books that is contrary to God and His Word.

Joan—What does God’s Word teach us concerning the world?

James—That God created it, Joan; I read about that, the other day, in Genesis 1:1 where the Word of God teaches us that, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

Father—Do you understand what it means to create? The Word of God states very plain that God CREATED; but not that it formed and shaped itself from particles of matter, or atoms. This is an invention of evil man by which he dishonors God as Creator of all things. Who created the atoms which, as some pretend, tumbled together and formed the earth? They never existed before God, did they? Not if God’s Word is true; and surely who dare deny the Truth of God’s Word? They are Atheists indeed who so reason out this earth to be made by these atoms assembling themselves into a structure such as our present world is. Such men ascribe the power to particles of matter and not to God who is the true Creator of all things. To create means to bring into existence, by an omnipotent act of a simple will. In the creation we see the Almighty Power of God displayed by bringing into existence the heaven and the earth, out of nothing, by one word of His will. This Almighty act of God is so simple (in God) that it puzzles clever men. They cannot understand it, and they will not believe it. So they obstinately refuse the truth of God and advance their own fables produced by the evil imaginations of their own hearts.

Joan—But I understand that recent scientific experiments hold that the atom of each element is composed of electrically charged particles. If this is so, then it is possible that atom tumbled upon atom and thus formed into the earth. We know that electricity draws and has a tendency thereto. So, too, these atoms or particles being electrically charged may possibly have drawn toward each other and formed the earth, as some men claim.

Martha—Joan! do you believe such fables? Oh! how dare you to even harbor such a thought when you have been instructed in the Word of God from your infancy? Such corrupt thoughts are the reward of all your reading of those many books which are of no value to your soul. You are so misled by other men but detest to be guided by the only true Guide unto life, for soul and body. Why don’t you read the Word of God more earnestly and if you desire to read other books compare them with this Master Book of books, the one and only infallible Book, because it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, therefore, He being God also, it contains no errors nor falsehoods. Let this Book alone be your constant Guide in all things.

Father—Really Joan, I’m surprised at you. That scientific experiments discover electricity to be in most everything need not be denied nor rejected. That may be so. And we may grant such to be the case. But, when any one ascribes particles to assemble themselves into a structure, then, they misuse their talents and instead of honoring and magnifying the Creator of them all; they abuse Him and make an idol god of their discoveries. And then advance such idol tales to their fellow-creatures and so mislead many from the Creator to the creature.

Joan—Well, how then do you account for the earth and its form?

Father—From the infallible (unerring) Word of God where we read in Genesis 1 of the creation of heaven and earth by Almighty God. Based upon this Word, we also believe and agree with Article 12, of The Confession of Faith”: “We believe that the Father, by the Word, that is, by His Son, hath created of nothing, the heaven, the earth, and all creatures, as it seemed good unto Him, giving unto every creature its being, shape, form and several offices to serve its Creator.” Likewise: Article 1, of the twelve articles of our Catholic Undoubted Christian Faith; and question 26, of the Heidelberg Catechism; also based upon God’s Word. We are informed in verse 2 of Gen. 1, that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And in John 1:1-5 we are informed also of the Word, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, being the Creator with the Father and the Spirit, as in verse three, “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. To whom will you now ascribe all honor and glory for the creation?”

Martha—To the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Father—Correct Martha! and to none other. Now, as to the disposition of all the matter, which God created in a moment of time, we are informed that it was set in order within six days. The first day, God created darkness (verse 2) and the light (verse 3) and divided the light, which He called Day, from the darkness, which He called Night (verses 4 and 5). The second day, God created the firmament (or expansion) and so divided the waters from the waters, (verse 6) and God made the firmament (verse 7) and called it Heaven (verse 8). And God created on the third day, the waters unto their various courses and channels (verse 9) and the dry land also. The dry land He called Earth; and the gathered waters, Seas (verse 10). Reader, does this appear as though atoms tumbled together by some (mysterious and unknown) power of themselves? No! indeed not. Or would you even dare charge it, Joan, to the electricity found in all the substance matter? I’m sure you would not! I at least hope you are spared from ever straying so far from God’s truth. Look at the fruits of the earth as having their origin from God in verses 11 and 12. Incomprehensible! unable to be grasped or understood by our mind; but, yet, acceptable! by faith; meaning to understand or receive it in a particular sense, and thus to entertain these truths with approval and satisfaction. And on the fourth day, God created the lights in the heaven, to give light upon the earth, (verses 14 and 15). Thus God made two great lights, the greatest light, Sun, to rule the day and the lesser light, Moon, to rule the night; also the stars (verse 16). And God even SET THEM in their places (verses 17 and 18). Again, on the fifth day, God created by His word (verse 20) all moving creatures that hath life, and fowl that may fly, and great whales and every living creature that moveth. And He blessed them, that they would be fruitful, and multiply in the seas, and in the earth (verses 21 and 22). And on the sixth day, God created every living creature, and creeping things, and beast, cattle and everything after his kind, (verse 24 and 25). Also, God Created man in His image and likeness, giving him dominion over things upon the earth (verse 26). Then God reviewed everything He had made, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them,” (Chap. 2:1). And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested thereon, blessed and sanctified it.

Oh, that we too, children, might rest on the seventh day; or rather, as Christ arose on the first day of the week, it is now, commonly called, Sunday, or the Lord’s Day. Oh that we might contemplate especially on the Lord’s Day, His wonderful creation and providence. And thus glorify. Him as the Creator and Preserver of all things. May it please God to enable us to also meditate upon HIM by whom, “All things were made; and without whom was not any thing made that was made.” For, “in Him was,” and is life; “and the life was the light of men.” May this great light and life, Jesus, shine forth into your dark soul and lead you to Himself as the only source of comfort and rest and peace, for soul and body. And may you be humbled with His servant Job and cry out from hence forth; “Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? O Lord! I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer; yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 februari 1935

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 februari 1935

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's