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8 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Father—Martha, the very substance of your need, doubts, fears, and questionings, seems to be; whether you have entered this covenant of peace. Therefore, it is necessary for us to refer to the scriptures as our guide. And therein we are instructed that it is always God that begins with a sinner. Never a sinner repenting and turning of his own free will towards God.

Joan—Do you mean, then, that I cannot seek after God if I wish? I certainly know what I am doing. Why, then, do I pray and read and sing and attend services regularly? In society we read the Word and hear it explained. We render aid to the poor and needy. And I often visit the sick and minister to their wants. Surely I am not doing this for myself. I do it for the Lord and I feel it my duty to do so.

James—I am very much surprised at your diligence, Joan, I never expected it from you. I agree with you that it is your duty to worship the Lord and likewise to practice love towards your fellow creatures. But, I disagree with you in that you do it for the Lord. In all your religion you are only seeking self glory by which you show more love towards yourself than you ever do towards God. You are seeking a reward for yourself by working so hard, religiously. You are building on a sandy foundation. Saul of Tarsus builded likewise. He labored so diligently for God and his Jewish traditions that he was praised by every one of them. He worked and he persecuted, thinking all the while, that he was doing God a favor. But I notice that in all his ardent labors he was altogether wrong. Well Joan, that is where man ends when he thinks he knows what he is doing. Father just said: “no sinner ever seeks after God by nature.” So then, you must be all wrong in your religion because if your foundation is so sandy your building will surely fall.

Father—Just look at Saul’s life when he became a Paul. What is the first thing that happened to him? He was enveloped by a light from heaven and he fell to the ground, hearing a voice imploring him: “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” Where now, is that great valiant worker with all his letters of authority from the high priest? Now Saul’s own work and manner of serving God is ended and he does not know where he is at. He does not even know Jesus, the Son of the God whom he is supposed to be serving; for he cried: “Who art thou, Lord?” And again, trembling and astonished, he asks: “What wilt thou have me to do?” How much does Saul now know? Nothing! except that he sinned greatly and was fighting against God instead of for Him.

Martha—So then the very first thing whereby one can know whether he is truly in this covenant is: by God intervening and stopping a sinner; by opening his blind soul’s eyes?!

Father—Yes, that is the very first thing to be observed. That is the very basis or foundation of the internal calling. Meaning, a voice penetrating the heart as Paul teaches in 2 Cor. 5: 17-20: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.” And that ministry of reconciliation being committed to Paul; he is, therefore, an ambassador for Christ; nevertheless, it is God beseeching the sinner “be ye reconciled to God,” through Christ. We must, therefore, conclude that the sinner is brought into this covenant by the drawing of God with, the “cords of a man, with bands of love.” Behold with how much earnestness the Lord draws a sinner in real love. “As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked: but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Ezek. 33:11. Now compare the murderous and persecuting Saul of Tarsus, in all his old, or former life; with the new ceature, Paul, as an ambassador of Jesus Christ, in his new life. Do you find any difference, Martha?. I am sure you do!

Martha—Yes, indeed Paul’s life was one of new things; for his old ways and manners of serving God have been completely changed about. Very much the opposite after that God had called him internally.

Father—And what do we find Paul doing as a truly convicted sinner? (For to be sure, a covenant is never made without a second party. There is one that draws up the agreement; but there must also be one that consents to that agreement.) Well, God sums up before Saul his agreement with him, in Christ; causing him to hear His voice within his heart! But, what part does Saul now perform? See him in “the street called Straight, for, behold, he prayeth.” Acts 9:11.

Joan—But what is so remarkable about that, father? He certainly offered many prayers before that moment!

Father—No doubt he did; but, never did he pray to God in spirit and in truth until that moment. His former prayers were never like this one. For he has now received the spirit of prayer and supplication from Jesus: therefore Paul is enabled to receive the Lord as his God and surrender himself to God as we read about in the Song of Solomon 2:16, “My beloved is mine, and I am his.” See how calmly Paul arose, and was led by the hand; resolvedly and fully determined, he now willingly and humbly surrenders himself in all sincerity to God. He has been brought, by God, to agree with Him in the demands as well as in the promises of the covenant.

James—What do you mean by that, father?

Father—The meaning is, “Blessed are they mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Paul was blessed with a broken heart and contrite spirit before God. His proud stubborn and rebellious heart of free will was broken and his soul’s eyes opened by faith to see his sins and guilt before God. Which sight caused him much pain and sorrow in heart. And as a true penitent, he prays to God as David did in Psalm 51. He prays for mercy, forgiveness of sins, for washing and cleansing; confesses his guilt and begs for purging with hyssop (the blood of Christ); and then, he pleads with God to make him to hear joy and gladness. He begs God that he might realize and know in his heart that assurance of the pardoning of his sins so as to enjoy it. Like as the broken bones when again healed and restored gives a joy unspeakable; so the broken heart of Paul, broken by sin, now longeth for God to make it rejoice by hearing that joy and gladness which is laid up for him in Christ his dear Saviour and Redeemer, as contained in those words, “for they shall be comforted.” He also longeth for the Spirit of God to work in him so that he may from now on live a life to the glory of God and of love towards all men. What a change in Paul! Before, he was persecuting and now he desireth, yea, longeth after peace and fellowship with his former enemies; the people of God. And now, for the very first time, Paul’s heart is really filled with a true desire to do good works. Not doing them as his foundation whereupon he hopes to earn heaven as before his conversion, but now performing them as the fruits of saving faith and true holiness with the single eye to glorify God and to edify his neighbor. Thereby he was also assured in his soul that his faith was genuine.

James—But, what benefits does Paul derive for the life to come from such an internal calling which worketh such an effectual change?

Father—The first benefit will be ‚according to Acts 24:15, his body will be raised like as the Lord Jesus arose from the grave; and then, there will be a judgment for him according to his own words. 2 Cor. 5:10. The great sentence to be pronounced upon him will be, as Matthew records in 25:34: “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world.” And the final benefit to be conferred upon him will be, “Your reward is great in heaven.” Luke 6:23, forevermore because “the righteous go into everlasting life.” Meaning, “In thy presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Dear children, may the Lord make you to hear His voice pleadingly beseeching you: “incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live,” Isaiah 55:3.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 juli 1936

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 juli 1936

The Banner of Truth | 6 Pagina's