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“In places where as yet there is no Consistory the Classis shall in the meantime take care of the work which would otherwise be performed by the Consistory in accordance with this Church Order.”

Article 39

This Article alludes to a small assembly of persons who gather together for religious exercises although no congregation has as yet been instituted there and no Consistory exists.

At the Reformation many of these small gatherings arose at various places. Through the Messing of God, people left the Roman Catholic Church and sought union and fellowship. The days of Seth come to mind: “Then began men (collectively no doubt) to call upon the name of the Lord.” Gen. 4:26.

Ever since, in one place or another small assemblies of this kind have arisen. History informs us that some of them remained small (at time disappeared entirely) and others developed into flourishing congregations. It was God’s will to establish his Church there.

These small gatherings were not to do without the care and affectionate guidance of the Church. This is expressed very clearly in this Article.

In this same spirit the Synod of Dordrecht of 1578 stipulated: “In those places where the original congregation is yet to be constituted and matters to be set in order, the Minister sent to these places shall appoint some of the godliest to assist him to guide and rule the church as well as to distribute the alms. Thereupon he shall admonish his hearers to prepare themselves by confession of faith to make use of the Lord’s Supper. And when the congregation shall have increased somewhat he shall appoint in an orderly marnier some from among those who have partaken of the Lord’s Supper to be Elders and Deacons.”

It is no doubt to be understood that the Minister who is sent to a small gathering of this kind receives his commission from the Classis.

The fathers of 1618–19 determined that the Classis would perform the work in a small gathering of this kind which otherwise a Consistory (which does not yet exist here) is called upon to do in accordance with the Church Order, until, in the opinion of the Classis, this gathering can be organized into a congregation and receive a Consistory of their own.

The Classis shall endeavor to be of benefit to such small gatherings in the most suitable manner. Quite often they are placed under the care of a neighboring congregation and Consistory. The Minister of the congregation can be of assistance in word and deed. It has also happened that one of the Elders was sent there to read a sermon on the Sabbath and to instruct the children, etc. Let brotherly love continue. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 1940

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 1940

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's