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My dear Young Friends:

Although the terrible war now raging engrosses almost the whole mind, yet there are other evils less palpable but no less real which it would be most perilous to disregard. Evil generally takes advantage under the cover of the pre-occupation of its victims.

Amongst many, two principal dangers threaten our land, and especially our youth: popery and communism. They are antithetical; one highly religious, the other godless; but both deadly, and both employ diversion for strategy. Even unity in a common political or national interest, may be utilized to further their pernicious interests.

For example. What more desirable in war days than to emphasize the blessings of peace, and the need of religion to restrain men’s hatred and revenge? But whatever incidental benefit might result from such political activities of the papal church, its insinuating itself into power and obtaining official recognition diplomatically, becomes a menace to a protestant realm. We have no antipathy to Roman Catholics as men; doubtless many of them are loyal and true citizens. But we do know something of the dark history of their system, and the sanction given by its head to sedition, rebellion, and persecution. The recent instances of the 1916 Dublin rebellion and the rape of Ethiopia in 1936 might be cited. As a religion it is superstitious and blasphemous according to the National Church of England, and ruinous to the souls of men (Rev. 18; Common Prayer Book Articles XXVIII and XXXI). The Roman Catholic schools (Convent schools, as they are sometimes called) present an opportunity to seduce the children of Protestant parents who are foolish and wicked enough to send them there.

But Roman Catholicism is not the only organization which aims at obtaining the youth. Scarcely less seditious, if at all, is the second and opposite system, communism. Under the specious pretext of world unity (and what could be more desirable than world agreement on right basis; “peace on earth, good will toward men?”) the deadly godless system is stealthily moving forward. Criticism is largely disarmed through fear, owing to the fact that the source of the evil is (unlike Roman Catholicism) an ally power. We should like to believe that the seeming modification of the blatant godlessness of the 1935 period indicated a genuine reform, but it is to be feared that the real nature of communism is unchanged. It is destructive of everything sacred. Of it Sir Thomas Inskip (now Lord Caldecote) said: “It often has a political background: not seldom it is the result of impatience with the moral restraints imposed by Christian tradition. No mere inability to accept the Christian dogmas would explain the virulence with which the conventional standards of conduct are assailed.”

The clamour for more and more remuneration, and less and less work; the defiant strikes to force the hands of authority; the looseness of morals on all hands; these are other evils which may not be directly traceable to organized communism, but they are certainly a result of the almost entire absence of religion. Official communism describes religion thus: “All religions. are one and the same poison, intoxicating and deadening the mind, the will, and the conscience; a fight to death must be declared against them.” The Christian master would give place to none in liberality and kindness to his employees, and the Christian employee has powerful motives to consideration for his employer and also to contentment with his lot. Scripture provides and grace enforces rules of conduct to be found nowhere else.

My dear young friends, you may not meet the naked anti-God propaganda, but you will need to be on your guard against it under a cloak in school or at work; also in literature. The best way to avoid contamination is to cleave to your Bible and attend regularly your chapel; and read good books. A firm persuasion that the Scriptures are the very Word of God will be a strength to you in opposing the insidious influences of atheism, and apart even from the true fear of God, (which I pray may be given you,) a wholesome respect for religion will make its “moral restraints” quite acceptable. On no account join any society or youth organization without thorough investigation, and never without your parents’ sanction.

The near future may reveal amazing developments. We all ardently long for the cessation of this truly awful war with all its slaughter and destruction. But the new world order men talk of evolving out of their own resources regardless of God, promises to end in chaos. Be it given us to cleave to the Word and ways of God, and to seek above all else His kingdom and His righteousness. This will not make us less careful to discharge our civil and relative obligations, but it will induce a tender conscientiousness in doing so — aiming finally at the glory of God. It will make us kind and considerate to all. We shall hate not persons but evils. And it will produce a genuine loyalty to our earthly king with a fervent desire that the throne may be established in righteousness, when so many are falling.

Especially I commend those of you who may soon be involved in battle, to the all-covering protection of that God Who has said: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.”

Your affectionate friend,

Maidstone. May, 1944.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 1944

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 1944

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's