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FREE GRACE— Founded on Divine Authority.

1. I believe there are Three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST, and these three are ONE Divine Essence, (I John 5:7).

2. I believe that the Father chose, the Son redeemed, and the Holy Ghost regenerates all those who constitute the true Church of the living God.

3. I believe that the election, redemption and glorification of the Church, together with the time and place of the effectual call of every member, and all the circumstances which relate to their final perseverance, are settled in an everlasting covenant, made by the TRIUNE JEHOVAH before the world began.

4. I believe that every regenerate soul is vitally united to Christ, which union nothing can dissolve; and hence his spiritual life, strength, comfort, faith, repentance, aid all the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Churst, appear in his life.

5. I believe that a personal interest in all the blessings of the covenant of grace may be claimed when the Holy Ghost creates the soul anew, and that God is more honored by such humble believing claims, than by all the counterfeit humility which produces legal fears.

6. I believe that such assurance wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost, will certainly produce that joy and peace in the experience, which is the pledge and earnest of heaven; and bring a holy consistency and superlative excellency into the life, which all the terrors of law and justice would never effect.

7. I believe that these truths always were, and always will be offensive to carnal minds, which affords one of the strongest evidences of their correctness. The holiest and most useful men in all ages, have lived and died in them. The honour of God and the salvation of the Church are wrapt up in them, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.

FREE WILL—Derived from Human Traditions.

1. I believe that man as an accountable creature is endowed with a freedom of will to do good or evil, and can turn and repent at his own option, and thereby obtain the favour of God, and secure salvation.

Then, Reader, how is it this is never done?

2. I believe that Christ died for all alike, and that the merits of his death, with our sincere

obedience, will be sufficient to procure heaven for all who earnestly seek, sincerely repent, and unfeignedly believe.

But the dead in sin can do none of these things.

3. I believe that many for whom Christ died, will be for ever lost, for want of repenting and praying, and the salvation of all depends upon their faithfulness in improving the grace received.

Christ said, “they shall never perish.”

4. I believe that the doctrines of Election, Sovereignty, and Perseverance, will make men careless about their souls, and licentious in their conduct.

This is like saying love begets enmity.

5. I believe that God is too merciful not to accept our good works, if sincere, though imperfect, and to reward us for them with everlasting life.

“All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.”

6. I believe Christ has done his part for my salvation, and if I do mine, all will be well, for God is merciful.

“Saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.”

7. Reader, is this an epitome of your creed? then the God of this world has blinded your mind and deceived your soul. Beware, lest that come upon you which was spoken by the prophet: “Behold, ye despisers, and wonder and perish.” Salvation is of the Lord, and all who live and die without accepting that salvation, which is provided in the obedience and atonement of Christ, will perish for ever.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 november 1946

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 november 1946

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's