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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Paterson, N. J.”

May 23, 1950”

Dear friends:”

In the goodness of God we are well and hope that my young friends may also be able to say the same. In fact, it is always well, if we only had eyes to see it in that true light, for God reigns suprème. God deals with man in a Divine and Sovereign way. For that reason there are definite events in life. Everything in this life has been appointed by God from eternity. But it indeed requires grace to believe this.”

What young person is there who does not have troubles and reverses in the days of their youth? Sometimes, great troubles indeed, but not a friend to whom they can go and unburden their heavy heart. Ah, my friends, what a blessing it is for such people that God speaks in His Word saying: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble.” May you thus be favored indeed with such a day of trouble because man is truly inclined to pray while he is in trouble but when the day of adversity is over and gone then we very often return to our former way. Friends, that is not good. Therefore, beg earnestly that the grace of God might be implanted within your heart. That is everything, Now we know that we cannot take hold of this grace of ourselves, nevertheless, we are indeed responsible. We have a calling to perform or rather we are in duty bound to repair unto the house of God. And God is pleased to use His Word. That truth has again been proclaimed unto us at this Pentecost.”

Pentecost is the feast of the Holy Ghost; therefore, the world does not understand it’s true meaning. The first Pentecostal sermon was preached by Peter. It was preached not by a learned Scribe but by a divinely taught man. Again, it was not preached by a man graduated from the seats of learning or from a college but by one who attended the school of the Holy Ghost. Peter was a fisherman, one who cast out the fishing nets into the sea. But by the grace of God he was made a fisher of men, and he certainly did cast out the fish net of God on the day of Pentecost. For behold, there were 3000 souls converted unto God under that one sermon. Unto God be all the glory! How many sermons have been delivered again on this day of Pentecost? No doubt many more than 3000 throughout our nation alone. But have any of us as much as heard of one single soul having been converted to God? Can we attribute that great harvest or ingathering of souls on that day of Pentecost to the fluent oratory or the excellent preaching of Peter? No, my friends, Peter also had to exclude himself entirely. It was to be only for the glory of God. It was not Peter, but it was the Holy Ghost who had persuaded those people to listen and to hear on that glorious day of Pentecost. It was the Holy Spirit who applied the Word of God with power unto their hearts. And it is most certain, that, although God’s servants were to preach the Word of God day after day, but the Spirit of God does not accompany the Word with power, it would be but a dead letter. May the Lord grant that we may realize that fact also in regard to the very labors performed in the kingdom of God, also with respect to the labors being performed in Canada.”

We have made another trip to Canada with our friend Mr. Baum. We were privileged to hold a prayer day service while there. We have also established another mission-post or station. At present we have a branch of the Netherland Ref. Churches and a mission-station in the province of Ontario and the same in the province of Alberta. However, I hope to write more about that at a later date. The Lord willing, we hope to visit our friends in Alberta sometime in June.”

Now we must again lay down our pen. The Lord willing, we shall write something about the question sent in concerning the doctrine of salvation.”

Your ever mindful friend in Paterson,”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 1950

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's