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6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

(No. 62)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

August 31, 1948

Beloved Congregation:

IN my previous letter I pointed out that the people are departing from God and His Word to a fearful extent and that spiritual decadence is increasing at an alarming rate. The Church presents such a sorry spectacle wherever you go. The Church of God is scattered as bones at the grave’s mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. (Psalm 141)

A generation is arising which as a whole no longer places any importance upon the true welfare of their soul, and by the same token takes no interest in the pure doctrines of salvation.

Not only among the young people, but also among the grown ups there are several who can leave their seats vacant so easily on the Lord’s day. For many the Church is only a side issue. It is true, the ordinances as such cannot benefit us any, no more than we can bestow grace upon each other. Nevertheless, in accordance with the Divine plan, we are definitely dependent upon the means. When God grants the grace of Christ to a soul this creates a deep regard for the means of grace. God’s Word warns us so earnestly not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Moreover, we find in God’s Word that we must place its injunctions at all times above anything which men may say, and that we should not associate with those who show by their actions that they do not live in accordance with the Divine Testimonies.

May the north wind of the Spirit, as a convincing and discovering Spirit, blow upon the garden of God’s Church, but also upon the garden of our hearts! (Songs 4:16) Then there would also be room for the fruitful and precious south wind of consolation. True spiritual life is so little in evidence; accordingly, practical religion does not manifest itself, either. If the former does not exist, the latter cannot be in evidence. The goings of God are in the sanctuary (Psalm 68:24) and these dealings which God has with His Church must be taught us by God’s Spirit, again and again. O how blind we are in heaven’s ways! We have constant need of that great Prophet, who teaches us the way of salvation and counsels us to anoint our eyes with eyesalve so that we may see. (Rev. 3:18)

May the Lord Himself direct my pen and enable me to write something concerning spiritual -life in its manifestations and the practice of piety, in these times in which so little practical godliness is in evidence. It is my earnest desire that it may be used as a means in God’s hands to teach, to instruct and to awaken, but also to arouse all those who have become partakers of the life of God.

May he who merely makes an outward profession of religion be convinced and persuaded by the effectual operation of the Holy Spirit. It would also be a great blessing if it would please God to’ sanctify it to the hearts of all those who are travelling on to eternity with their hopes based upon a false foundation. Alas! by nature poor mortal man clings grimly to that which he will have to let go of in the hour of death. It is plainly evident that man simply insists on deceiving himself. The foolish virgins slept with their vessels empty.

May it please God to perform wonders as in the days of old! May many be favored with regenerating grace. Then, as a result of the drawing power of the Father, through the redemption of the Son, and by the application of the Holy Ghost, they would lead a life truly well-pleasing to God, as well as a life which would be conducive to the everlasting profit of their souls on the way to eternity.

By “spiritual life” we understand the life which is imparted by God’s Spirit to an elect sinner. Only those chosen by God become partakers of this new life. According to God’s free and sovereign good pleasure one is chosen by God and another rejected. This is evident from 1 Thess. 5:9: “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” Throughout all times and ages this fundamental doctrine of the Church has been slandered and opposed. And in our hearts by nature dwells nothing but enmity against this sovereign appointment of God. It was the underlying cause of Cain’s murdering his brother Abel, and the bitter root from which sprung all the enmity of Esau toward his brother Jacob. To the natural man the doctrine of election and preterition is a stone of stumbling, against which he nevertheless will dash himself to pieces.

On the other hand this doctrine is a matter of joy to those who fear God. What a source of strength and consolation is the doctrine of the sovereignty of God. Without election, salvation would never be possible. It is true, holy circumspection befits us in regard to this highly important doctrine. One of our theologians wrote: “This exalted and awe-inspiring attribute (God’s sovereignty) is an ocean which cannot be fathomed, and may not be entered rashly with any kind of vessel, however strongly built or well manned, much less with such a puny little craft; nor without a Divine compass and an anchor within the veil.” And so it is, indeed.

We should nevertheless consider in regard to this doctrine that, even though there were only one person chosen out of the entire human race, we should search our whole life long to see if it were us. “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deut. 29:29) The election is in Christ before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Only those, then, who were predestinated by God the Father and comprehended in Christ, are made partakers of this spiritual life in the day of God’s pleasure by the Holy Ghost.

I hope to continue this subject in the next letter, the Lord willing.

Hearty greetings to all,

Your well-wishing minister,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 april 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 april 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's