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11 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

(No. 70)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

November 3, 1948

Beloved Congregation:

IN a previous letter I offered some comments regarding the various periods or seasons in which God regenerates His elect, in accordance with His eternal and unsearchable counsel. O how infinitely sovereign are God’s dealings with His people! Here, too, it becomes manifest that no one can stay His hand, or say unto him, “What doest Thou?” Those who labored only one hour in the vineyard still received the same wages as those who labored there their entire life’s day. Accordingly, regardless of how early or late the Lord calls His people, the main thing for us will be to belong to those who are called out of darkness to God’s marvelous light. Assuredly, the one as well as the other will praise and glorify that Divine miracle of free and soverign grace for ever and ever in the new Jerusalem above.

In this letter I intend to write something more regarding the MANNER in which God magnifies His work in the hearts of His people, continuing the subject which I began to discuss in my letter of October 12th.

The manner may often differ greatly, too. The seed of the gospel may at times remain hid in the earth of the heart for a long period. Just think of the case of Nicodemus and of Joseph of Arimathea. Some receive a severe blow in their heart at a certain time, but they nevertheless go on in sin for a shorter or longer period. God’s Word speaks of those who do not have the strength to bring forth. Sometimes the work of grace can lie dormant in the heart for many long years, to sprout forth only in the evening of their life. When the seed does begin to sprout, when heart and lips begin to speak, then they refer to events of years gone by, of warnings, of conscience disturbances, of convictions in their souls, which they nevertheless disregarded, until finally the snorting steed lost its life.

With others it may be that the Lord drags and pulls them along the brink of the abyss, as it were. The judgment of God, the curse of God, is declared in their soul in a fearful manner. Hell is opened to them. The wrath of God burns in their soul. Sin as it is dishonoring to God is discovered to them; sin in its true character is presented to their mind. “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of God’s waterspouts.” They are dismayed in their hearts, and wail and lament, declaring that it is forever too late. They have no rest at all, and are brought almost to despair, as we read it of the jailor at Philippi. However, God does not permit them to perish in despair. God holds them in His hand, grants deliverance, and gives liberty to their souls. David declares in Psalm 116:3, 4, “I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the Name of the Lord.” The ancients used to say: “It is not how strong the convictions are, but how true and genuine they are.” Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of.

It pleases the Lord to draw some in a very loving manner. David says in Ps. 23:2, “He leadeth me beside the still waters.” Some are quickened in a very pleasant and loving manner; not by the thunders of Sinai, but by the delights of the Gospel. God opens their hearts, enlightens their understanding, inclines their will, regulates their affections, sets their feet on the pathway of life, causes them to taste the sweetness of God’s precious Word, unfolds the Gospel to them, pours out His love in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and makes room in their souls for Christ. They behold His glory by faith, surrender themselves to him unconditionally; and then-heart declares within them, “With my whole heart have I sought Thee; O let me not wander from Thy commandments.” What delightful experiences the Lord gives to such persons! Usually they participate much in God’s love and are overwhelmed with thoughts regarding the greatness of God’s free and sovereign compassion.

Still others receive the life of God in a calm and quiet manner. Such persons generally do not have that depth of experience which others have. This is so with regard to convictions, sorrows and distresses on the one hand, but also deliverances, joy and happiness on the other. Accordingly, their whole inner life as a rule is covered, concealed, little manifest to others; nevertheless God reveals and declares the mysteries of His grace in Christ in their hearts by His Spirit. They have moments, too, when the kingdom of heaven is opened to them by the Word, and by God Himself.

Finally, the state of mind of some whom God regenerates by His Spirit, as an ancient divine wrote regarding such, may be subject to many changes: they fall and rise again; they experience many conflicts and victories; they have many ups and downs; one day they believe and the next they doubt; they are either very happy or very sad.

Such people do not live very calm and quiet lives, but rather one of contrasts. At one time they may be on a high mountain; at another time in the lowest valley.

O, what a privilege it is if we may find our name written in God’s Testimony. It is true, it may be that it is there but that we cannot read it. At all times we have need of the light of the Holy Spirit, and something of that true faith which excludes all doubt, that faith which consists in knowledge, assent and trust. Most blessed are they who may declare with Job: “I know that my Redeemer liveth,” and with Paul, “I know whom I have believed.”

May God also manifest and confirm His Divine work in the days in which we live.

Hearty greetings to all,

Your minister,


Grand Rapids, Michigan

November 9, 1948

Beloved Congregation:

It is not from the womb or in early life that God glorifies Himself in the riches of His grace in the hearts of His people but we have examples that He does so also at middle age.

The disciples were no longer children when Christ called them. One was a fisherman, another was a tax collector, and a third was engaged in another occupation. Lydia was a seller of purple from Thyatira and a mother of children. The jailor at Philippi had a family also as the book of Acts tells us plainly. The Almighty power of God was revealed in these people since all of them were called with a holy calling.

The disciples forsook all and followed Jesus which is an indication that the Spirit of God works powerfully and irresistibly. In ourselves there is no strength or ability to deliver ourselves out of that under which we are bound. The requirement is: Forsake also thine own people, and thy father’s house; so shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: Ps. 45:11, 12. But whatsoever God requires He also promises to bestow and He bestows it of free mercy for Christ’s sake upon all those who are included in the covenant of grace.

Matthew left the receipt of custom (taxes) and never again returned. He found a place in the heart of God and received a place also in God’s Church. “The memory of the just is blessed” Prov. 10:7. Lydia was a religious person for she sat under the truth but her heart was closed for all that. At first she did God service but God began to serve her at length. It was under the preaching of Paul that the Lord opened her heart and the fruits of this quickening began to manifest themselves immediately. She became attached to God’s Word, God’s ordinances, and God’s servants; and as soon as her heart was opened, her house and purse were opened, too. God and His service meant everything to her from that moment.

When the bands of Paul and Silas were loosed in prison the jailor came in. His despairing thoughts had a blessed issue. He learned to know himself as a lost sinner before God and salvation in Christ was embraced by him as well as discovered to him. The genuine fruits of righteousness were so evident that one needs not seek in vain for them. They are there for the taking. Now to what purpose must we cite more examples? God adds also men and women to the congregation that shall once be saved.

Again, when conversion takes place at the close of life it is likewise an act of God’s free mercy and sovereign power. Abraham was seventy-five years old when God called him out of Ur of the Chaldees. It was towards the evening of life and the day was far spent, but the time of God’s good pleasure arrived for him to the praise of God’s sovereign grace. He bade adieu to everything and complied unconditionally. Who shall stay God’s hand or say unto Him: “What doest Thou?” Hardest hearts must melt away under the drawing love of the Father, the redeeming love of the Son, and the sanctifying love of the Holy Spirit. They are to be counted blessed who obtain a knowledge of this precious divine work before the night season of life arrives.

This however is not a fruit of our own doings. No one, if left to himself, will ever ask or seek after God. The Lord says so plainly in His Word. “They are all gone aside …; there is none that doeth good, no not one. Ps. 14:3. If it depended upon us it would be a hopeless case forever. It is a divine work and a divine miracle from beginning to end. “We behold but understand it not.”

When we consider the thief on the cross we may well say: “It was the eleventh hour.” He was already sentenced, yes, even the execution had already taken place. Hell was ready to receive him, but the Prince of life enters the regions of death. What Samson prophesied concerning Christ was fulfilled again on Golgotha! “This child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against.” One of the thieves remained hardened while the other was humbled. In the last hour of his life he was privileged to justify God, condemn himself, and, as a suppliant, to plead for mercy.

Never, no never can anyone say that it is impossible for him to be converted. Only for those who sinned against the Holy Ghost is this impossible. Otherwise there is still opportunity to be saved. “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Luke 18. Nevertheless, friends, I pray you, do not delay or postpone it to a sickbed or deathbed. Only God knows whether he will ever be privileged to have a sickbed. Thousands are cut off as in a moment and summoned before the great Judge of heaven and earth. O be not careless or indifferent but seek the Lord in the days of health while He may be found.

It is not God’s ordinary way to convert people on their sickbeds. As a rule we must be careful with deathbed conversions. Sometimes the conscience is lulled to sleep, sometimes a text or psalm comes into the mind of such persons and it is believed to come from the Lord, whereas they were never quickened from death to life and they never lay at the door of grace as lost sinners in themselves! There are many who have gone to hell imagining to go to heaven. In such cases also the devil appears as an angel of light. Besides, how often it has happened that conversions which took place during sickness were forgotten and those who were raised up from a sickbed went back into the world.

I hope to continue the next time, the Lord willing.

Your minister,

Rev. W. C. Lamain

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 oktober 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 oktober 1951

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's