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5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Sioux Center, Iowa

August 18, 1952

Dear friends:

We are still favored to be in the land of the living. And may our young people be favored to be truly concerned and stand in awe and wonder about the greatness of this blessing of living in a day of grace. For what is our life? It is a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. And death is ever nigh unto us.

This time we have to consider the following question: Was Naaman the Syrian a truly regenerated person? To be truthful I must state frankly that I do not approve of such questions. There is always some people who are constantly asking, is he, is she, a real converted person, but if we were to ask them personally, how is the state of your soul for eternity, ah, then the wagon stands still. Oh, then they soon turn the conversation another way.

My dear young people, ever remember, that every one of us must truly be born again by the Spirit of God. Every one of us must needs be regenerated unto God or we shall be eternally lost. God demands true repentance of every one of us. And, be assured of this truth, that if we die in our lost condition it is our own doings, it is our own sin and guilt. We will never be able to charge God for that. We reap the fruit of our own sin.

Well, we hear some one saying: but what about Naaman, was he or was he not converted? Just be a little patient, young friends, because there is quite a dispute or contention upon this point. Some say that his cure was only a bodily one, an outward cleansing, while others say it was a spiritual or internal healing.

Personally, I believe as Calvin. John Calvin mentions in his Institutes, Volume 3, that Naaman possesed some of the very first fruits of the true saving faith. Also the old Divines such as J. A. Marck and Peter Martyr Vermigilo, states in his Commentary on 2 Kings 5:15, that the returning of Naaman unto Elisha is a clear and definite proof that he was not only cured in body but also in soul. On the other hand, some modern commentators state that he did not possess the true saving faith in his soul. Think of the comments by Dachsel.

But, you say, regardless of what others think, what do you think about Naaman? Well, I definitely believe that Naaman did possess the true saving faith of God in his soul. Just think upon the testimony that he gave to Elisha. We also are in accord with the marginal readings and comments recorded in the Bible. They too say that Naaman was a new convert and firmly resolved he would never offer sacrifice to any other gods but the God of Israel, but, they also add to it: as is very usual with young converts, he too was very ignorant. Indeed, there was much weakness and infirmity in him; as we may read in the Scriptures. And truly every one who receives the discovering grace of God in their soul also receive a knowledge of their own ignorance. But, permit me to once again repeat, let us examine our own soul and ask ourselves whether we are truly converted to God. For we may be sure of this that if God commences His work in our soul, then it will be an eternal wonder unto us if we are ever saved. Oh may we be brought to meditate upon that for I must again close.

I just returned home last Friday from a trip to Waupan and Sheboygan. And next Monday we hope to set out for California, Washington, and Canada, which means another three weeks of traveling, the Lord willing. We hope to preach at several places again, some for the first time and others for a second time. We are receiving many letters from various parts of this great land of ours to come and preach for them but alas, the laborers are so few. Oh friends, is there a real prayer for laborers to be sent forth into the vineyard? Is there a real true need? We complain about the need, but is there a true sense of deep unworthiness realized within our hearts? An old Christian lady once wrote to me: “Alas, we very seldom hear of guilt in our present day. Every one claims a right to have a minister, but have those people ever truly lost their rights before God?” Have they, have we, ever been made the most unworthiest of all creatures in the sight of God? Oh think upon this, my friends, and may we go into our inner chamber with this matter. And if we are favored to do that then we shall not argue nor dispute the right of any one else having a minister, but we will rather bow our heads in shame and exclaim guilty, guilty! May we also be favored to be brought to that point in our own congregations that we too might be made guilty for then we shall indeed be brought to the right place.

Now, my friends, I have also asked you a question. May you indeed think upon it, and I also acknowledge that I too must likewise think upon it. With heartiest greetings, my friends, till our next letter, the Lord willing.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 september 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 september 1952

The Banner of Truth | 16 Pagina's