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His Life and Labors

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

He had sent them many faithful warnings, combined with the sweet offer of free grace.

Now the question came to each one, whether he had learned to call upon the name of the Lord, whether he had prayerfully used the means of grace. Each one should examine himself to know whether the Lord had joined His Spirit to the ministry of the Word and whether he had come to the service with a prayer for that Spirit.

How distressed are they now who in the years gone by have come to church only out of habit and custom, without any true need of the soul. They were content with the outward form. They had occupied their places to appease their conscience. Some of the youth of the church were present only because their parents insisted that they must come to the house of prayer. How would they fare now, when it was to be feared that the young men would perish by the sword?

Then the minister addressed a serious message to those who in the time that he was among them took offence at his ministry. They were the ones who had told him that his preaching was too somber and too one-sided. He testified, “Now you see how the God of heaven has sent upon you what we have in His Name proclaimed to you. Who knows, perhaps the door of this house of God shall be locked or perhaps the building shall be a heap of ruin and ashes. Let every unconverted man make haste for his life. It is still the day of salvation. Who knows how soon we shall be scattered abroad upon the earth. Perhaps death is close at hand for many.”

“Also in this hour God’s message still comes that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. O that many who have never done so before might start calling on that Name today.”

Finally he spoke a word of encouragement for the church of God. They are no stranger to the ministry of the Spirit during the preaching of the Word. They had learned to cry between the cradle and the grave, “What must we do to be saved?”

They had also learned to call upon the Name of the Lord. Those who find their life in the preaching of the Word, also agree with the church of old, “Yea, in the way of Thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for Thee.” (Isa. 26:8) That people have a refuge in the Name of the Lord. If the Most High would carry through with the sword of war, and it would strike also them, what would their loss mean? They would only lose a part of their life upon this troublous earth. Then they may lay aside the body of sin and death. Then they will be gathered into the place of eternal rest, where no dark judgments shall be, and they shall learn war no more. There no enemy shall disturb their perfect peace. There they shall be before God’s throne forever, and increase from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

At the conclusion of this remarkable service the minister announced that if possible services would be held in the evening and in the next morning. These however were not held.

Because of political diversity among the people of the city there was heavy gunfiring. Through the midst of such peril the pastor went from his home to the church on that Sunday evening. But the congregation did not come. The danger in the streets made people fear to come. The police also prevented the citizens from leaving their homes. The minister went home again without having accomplished his purpose.

On the Monday after Pentecost, when services were usually held, the disturbances were under control, but the local magistrates forbade the holding of church services. That morning a part of the congregation came to the church doors for nothing. Thus the word of the pastor took its course.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 april 1958

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 april 1958

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's