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The Name Above Every Name

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The Name Above Every Name

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“Thou shalt call His name Jesus” (Matt. 1:21).

This was a common name among the Jews, its Old Testament form being Joshua, who is called “Jesus” in the book of Acts.

But it was an uncommon name in Him Who was called “Jesus of Nazareth.” When He took it up it became the name above every name, at which every knee will yet be required to bow. It was given to Him, as Matthew tells us, not because it was a family name, but because of its meaning—”He shall save His people from their sins.” And His whole life, but especially His death on Calvary, showed how worthy He was of this precious name of Jesus—as the Savior Who came to deliver us, not only from punishment and misery, but from our sins— to save us from bad hearts.

It is told of a famous general that he used to take his boy in his arms and speak to him about Jesus. The little fellow was greatly pleased; the “old, old story” seemed always new to him. One day his father said to him, “Would my little son like to go to heaven?” “Yes, father,” was the answer. “But how can you go to heaven? Your heart is full of sin,” the father said. “All are sinners, papa,” the boy answered, deep in thought. “But only the pure in heart are to see God; and how can my little boy hope to be among them?” The child’s face grew, for a little while, very sad. Perhaps he was for the first time realizing his own sinfulness. But, after a few moments, with full heart and tearful eye he sobbed forth, as he laid his head upon his father’s breast, these words of hope, “Papa, Jesus can save me!”

That litle boy was right, and his father was glad to hear him so speak. He is “mighty to save.” Can you my dear young reader, say, that you need this Jesus, or call Him, “Jesus, my Savior?”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 februari 1959

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's

The Name Above Every Name

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 februari 1959

The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's