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1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Great God! with wonder and amaze,
On all thy works we look;
But still Thy wisdom, power, and grace,
Shine brightest in Thy Book.

The fields provide us food, and show
The goodness of the Lord;
But fruits of life and glory grow
In Thy most holy Word.

Here we are taught how Christ has died,
To save from death and hell;
Not all the books on earth beside
Such heav’nly wonders tell.

Then may we love our Bible more,
And take a fresh delight,
By day to read these wonders o’er,
And meditate by night.

A Gadsby Selection

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1979

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1979

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's