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Psalm 127:1a, “A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

According to the caption above Psalm 127, this song was written “for Solomon.” If this is the case, the poet in all likelihood was his father David, who, on another occasion, also wrote a Psalm of instruction for his son, namely Psalm 72. David would instruct his son to trust wholly in the LORD despite his riches, wisdom, and power.

The Dutch version of Scripture, unlike the English King James version, translates the caption, “A Song Hamma’aloth of Solomon.” In this case the Psalm was authored by Solomon himself. Both versions indicate the other possibility in the margin. Whichever translation is correct matters little for the precious instruction contained in this Psalm remains the same.

To me it seems more likely that Solomon was the poet of this song. It comes clearly to the fore in a twofold way.

First as far as the form is concerned. The other Songs Hamma’aloth are more in poetical form, here you meet more a proverbial form as we know it from the well-known book of Proverbs by the same author.

Furthermore, the texts which are brought together here in this Psalm, remind one in various ways of the precious Proverbs that he, by the inspiration of God’s Spirit, has infallibly written down.

Proverbs 10:22 says so clearly, does it not, that “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.” Now, you hear this sound again in the entire 127th Psalm.

As a fruit of the experience in his own life, Solomon has clearly presented in the book of Proverbs as well as in the book of Ecclesiastes, which things are for the profit, instruction, edification, warning, and comfort of the true Zionite.

Time and again the admonition recurs: everything without the Lord is vanity.

Beloved reader, has this also become your experience by the blessed administration of God the Holy Spirit?

Or are you still expecting everything from the things here below?

Then, know of a certainty: without the Lord all is vain and this life is nothing but labour and sorrow.

One of the precious characteristics of the Word of the Lord, also in this Psalm, is this: He caused His servants to write in a simple way. Time and again the examples from natural life are used to picture spiritual matters.

We sometimes have this Psalm sung when a marriage is confirmed between two young people. Then it is striking that this Psalm (Psalter 359) and certain others are sung—if not badly—surely with much difficulty. This is often the case in the Netherlands as well as in North America.

We have been accustomed to a certain number of songs from the Psalter, while many others are never or seldom sung. And yet, they contain so much which is profitable for the church. The Lord has given one hundred and fifty Psalms to His Church, not twenty. The church has a much richer treasure than is often thought at first sight.

Moreover, it is profitable to read the Psalms continually, as they are recorded in Holy Writ. For years we read one of the Psalms each night before we go to bed. Do it too, then you learn the contents. The greatest thing is if the Lord Himself sanctifies our thoughts we might learn profitable lessons from His Psalter for our heart and life.

But let us return to the text. Solomon says, “Except the LORD build the house.”

Building a house, well, everyone knows what that means, especially in our time. With how many difficulties it is accompanied before one is finished!

This simple, natural picture stores a treasure of spiritual wisdom. For—how are matters with the house of our life? Is it built upon the sand of self-will religion or on the sure Foundation Jesus Christ and Him crucified?

It is one of the two: either we have begun to build ourself or not. If we have been so busy building our house, we will end up deceived. That is why the poet says so emphatically, “they labour in vain that build it.” What buildings—spiritually seen—are considered to be true work, while in fact they lack being essentially God’s work.

But on the other hand, if the Lord builds the house of our life, if He founds us on the only Foundation—what a precious privilege!

If we enter marriage, as also in the rest of our life, it would be such a great privilege to have knowledge that the Lord Himself builds our house. No, that is not in the first place our temporal residence for we will have to leave that anyway. But it means to be drawn by Him out of darkness unto His marvelous light. It means not to save our self, building our house ourself—but it means to be saved, the LORD building our house. Why? “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come” (Psalm 102:13). That is grace—free and sovereign. Yes, if the LORD builds our house, it means receiving the house of our life which shall endure time, on account of Christ’s righteousness.

The Lord cause old and young to ask much and often if He will build our house. Then, for time and for eternity, we will not be put to shame.

Chilliwack, B.C.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juli 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juli 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's