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4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Genesis 5:21-24

Did you know that there were two men mentioned in the Bible who did not die?

That’s true! One was Enoch. Enoch was one of the grandchildren of Adam and Eve.

The Bible says that Enoch “walked with God.” This means that he was very close to God, loved God, ana talked with God a lot.

Enoch was a very blessed man. We are very blessed, too, if we have such a close friendship with God.

However, one thing is sure: We all w/7/ have to die. Maybe it will be today, or tomorrow, or not for many years yet, but we w/7/ have to die. Maybe we will be taken away by some sickness, or drowning, or a car accident, or by old age, but—it w/7/ come.

We all will have many sad times in our life as well. Maybe your mother or father will die before you do, or your friend or a sister or brother will die, but these sad times or sorrows will have to come too. It could be as a punishment for our sins.

But Enoch was given a real blessing. He did not have to die. We can have a real blessing, too, if we have the closeness to God that Enoch had when it is our turn to die. We should pray for this every day.



A London evening newspaper said: “Bird-lovers will regret to learn that hordes of sparrows have lately invaded the ‘thicket’ of Epping Forest above Chingford, which was formerly a favorite haunt of nightingales. The feathered miscreants are driving the song-birds away from the parts of the forest they infest.”

Today, the chattering sparrow-like worldlings are driving away God’s nightingales from the Church. It has been truly said, “God put the Church in the world, but the devil has put the world into the Church.”

“Sanctify (or separate) them through Thy truth” (John 17:17). “What part hath he that believeth with


A touching incident occurred in connection with the arrival of Lord Chelmsford, the State Governor, at Brisbane. The swearing-in ceremony took place at Government House, his Excellency wearing the Windsor uniform. After the actual swearing-in part was over, his Excellency was returning thanks for the kindly welcome he had received.

During a pause in his speech a childish voice coming from the gallery said, “Why, it’s Daddy!” It was one of the small Chelmsfords, who until then had never seen her father in Windsor uniform.

Relationship was more dear to the child’s heart than regimentals.

Is it not so also in eternal matters by grace? Beyond all the pomp of earth is the privilege of becoming “children of God” (John 1:12), for “like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him” (Ps. 103:13).


A church leader once gave a strange speech entitled, “Bones in the Church.” It focussed upon five different types of members in the church. He spoke about:

Wishbones — those who wish this was different and that was improved but do not pray and work for the needed changes

Jawbones — those who talk too much, especially about others, and create numerous problems and troubles by doing so

Funnybones — those who are so touchy that their feelings are often hurt by others’ words or actions

Drybones — those who are dead and cold spiritually; neither the warning blasts of the law nor the melodious notes of the gospel move them

After dealing with the characteristics of these four types of bones, he spoke about the fifth:

Backbones — those who are the supporting members, who are continually doing that which needs to be done; who stand, pray, and work for that which is right and necessary,

Which type of bone are you in your local church?

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's