Dear Boys and Girls,
At this time of the year we especially think of the many blessings which the Lord has given to us. Sometimes these are spoken of as the mercies of the Lord. As we read our Bibles, we quite often see the word “mercy.” It is a word with much meaning.
In the parable of the good Samaritan we can see something of what its meaning is. This parable tells us of a man lying by the roadside, wounded and half dead. Most of his clothing had been taken from him and he was the very picture of misery. Unable to help himself, he badly needed the kindness of another. The Bible mentions two persons who passed him by, but then another person came along. It was a Samaritan, and he showed mercy to the poor man lying along the roadside. What did this all include? We read that he had compassion on him, bound up his wounds, poured in oil and wine, set him on his own beast, brought him to an inn, took care of him, and paid for his further care when departing from him. All this he did for a stranger who was in great misery. This certainly gives us an idea of what “mercy” is. We could say that it is great goodness to a person in deep need.
This parable was, of course, mercy shown by one human being to another. True, the man was a total stranger to the Samaritan. Since he was a Jew, probably in daily life they would never have even spoken to each other. But the Samaritan was doing to another what he would that another should do to him if he was in the same need. The Lord Jesus, after relating this parable to a certain lawyer, said to him, “Go, and do thou likewise.” Do we also do this?
However, when we speak of God’s mercy, it is a much greater wonder, since no one deserves His mercy. We have sinned against Him and deserve only His judgments, and yet He shows mercy unto us. Psalm 147 tells us, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” He gives rain and sunshine, food and clothing, shelter and comforts, and much, much more to both the good and the evil. We must think of all these as great mercies. Especially at Thanksgiving time we are reminded of all the blessings which we receive.
Yet there are greater mercies than these. They are the special mercies which the Lord gives to His people because of the work of the Lord Jesus in suffering and dying for them. To them He says, “The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy.” How we too should seek this mercy, even as others have done! Time and again we read in God’s Word of those who prayed and cried out to Him, “Lord, have mercy upon me.” Many of you will know well the words of Psalter 140, “God be merciful to me,” etc. Do you pray this also? Is it your great need? We pray that the Lord may teach all of us to pray this in a right way, for then He has also said that when the needy seek Him, He will mercy show.
The quiz this month speaks about the mercy of God, and the first letters of the answers spell out six words found in Psalm 130.
Proverbs 28 tells us, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but __________confessed and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”
Mary sang, “He hath holpen His servant __________, in remembrance of His mercy.”
In the third commandment we read, “…shewing mercy unto __________of them that love Me, and keep My commandments.”
Nathan was to tell David from the Lord, “But My mercy shall not depart away from __________, as I took it from Saul.”
King David, fleeing from Absalom, said to Ittai the Gittite, “Mercy and __________ be with thee.”
To Zacchaeus the Lord Jesus said, “Make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy __________.”
In one of the psalms we find repeated twenty-six times, “For His mercy __________for ever.”
The __________lepers cried out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.”
Jacob said to his sons, “God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your __________brother, and Benjamin.”
Hezekiah sent letters to the people, saying, “The Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away His face from you, if ye __________unto Him.”
Abraham’s servant said, “Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not left __________ my master of His mercy and His truth.”
While Lot lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his __________daughters; the Lord being merciful to him.
Paul wrote to the Hebrews, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to __________in time of need.”
Ezra said, “Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, which hath… __________ mercy unto me before the king.”
Habakkuk’s prayer was, “O Lord,…in wrath __________mercy.”
Paul wrote to the Philippians about __________, saying, “Indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him.”
Paul wrote to Timothy about himself, “Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; but I obtained mercy, because I did it __________.”
Daniel went to his house and made known the thing to his friends “that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this __________.”
The publican’s prayer was, “God be __________to me a sinner.”
The psalmist said in Psalm 33, “Behold the __________of the Lord is upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy.”
Zacharias said of John, “To give knowledge of salvation unto His people by the __________of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God.”
In Lamentations Jeremiah cried out, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not __________.”
In Luke the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “Be __________therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.”
Send your answers to
Garret J. Moerdyk
5211 Woodmont Drive
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.
The answers to the quiz of last month are as follows:
“If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us”
—Romans 8:31
I —Genesis 28:15
Fear—Psalm 118:6
God—Joshua 10:42
Ophrah—Judges 6:11–12
Defence—Numbers 14:9
Be—2 Kings 6:16
Enemies—Psalm 60:12
Fight—Deuteronomy 3:22
Our—Psalm 46:1
Rod—Psalm 23:4
Unto—Judges 6:16
Strong—Joshua 10:25
Will—2 Chronicles 20:17
Hold—Psalm 119:117
On—Acts 18:10
Come—1 Samuel 17:45-46
Against—Exodus 14:25
Noah —Genesis 9:8–9
Boldly—Hebrews 13:6
Enemy—2 Samuel 22:18
Armour—Ephesians 6:ll
Go —Exodus 4:12
Ai—Joshua 8:18
Isaac—Genesis 26:2-3
Not—Daniel 6:22
Sought—1 Samuel 23:14
Take—Genesis 31:29
Upholdeth—Psalm 37:17
Saved—Exodus 14:30
There are again letters to answer—
Jonathan Arnoldussen
You accomplished two things with your trip to British Columbia, Jonathan, attending a wedding and a visit to your grandparents. Both of these are such happy occasions. We often look forward to such a trip, but how soon it is over and only a memory.
Aline Bosch
Congratulations on your birthday, Aline, and we hope that you will have many more. We will be a week or two late, since you will not receive this issue of the Banner of Truth quite that soon. Where is your new teacher coming from? How many different pets were there on Pet Day?
Cindy Kreft
What a nice surprise, Cindy, that another boy or girl will be added to your family. How we would like to visit you again to see your family, but you do live quite far away. We haven’t forgotten our last visit. Give our congratulations, best wishes, and greetings to your parents.
Joe Vander jagt
We are always glad to hear that our young friends are enjoying the Bible quizzes, Joe. There is so much to learn, even for us who are much older, and it is always our wish and prayer that the Lord may make His Word to be a blessing in our hearts and in our lives. Do write again.
Julia Neels
The Lord Jesus told His disciples that we would hear of wars and rumors of wars in times to come, and how true this is, Julia. We do not know what will yet take place in the Middle East, but we do know that the Lord rules over the nations and often overrules their plans. We may pray that all things may be resolved without a war involving our nation.
Mary Bosch
What a lot of calves to take care of, Mary! How long do you keep them? Just like boys and girls, they have to be fed every day, although there are children who must often go hungry. It is a blessing if we may have food for each day and also some for days to come, but there are those who each day must pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Derek Kreft
We are quite well, Derek, and hope you are also. Is your father again able to do the chores? It certainly is nice that you are able to take over for him at such times. I don’t recall how many animals you had on your farm, but I do know that there is always much to be done on a farm.
Hendrika Boeder
If we may be spared, we will try to have a quiz on Daniel in the future, Hendrika, but I won’t promise you that it will be quite so soon as next month. There are many lessons to be learned from the story of Daniel, and we may ask the lord to teach us those lessons, just as he taught them to Daniel.
Our thanks to all of the boys and girls for the answers to the quiz. In this way God’s Word is brought into your minds, but may the Lord open your hearts as He did the heart of Lydia so many years ago. Then the Word of God will be an everlasting blessing.
With love,
Your friend, “Uncle Garret”
Janella Arnoldussen
Jonathan Arnoldussen
Bernie Bakker
Billie Bakker
Jason Bakker
Joshua Bakker
Trish Bakker
Bill Beeke
David Beeke
Jason Beeke
Lori Beeke
Tom Beeke
Jeff Bisschop
Hendrika Boeder
Aline Bosch
Mary Bosch
Jason De Vries
Brian Den Hertog
John Den Hertog
Betty Den Hoed
Gerald Den Hoed
Sharlene Den Hoed
Sheila Den Hoed
Annette Droge
Jennifer Droge
Rachel Ekema
Bill Erickson
Danita Erickson
Dave Erickson
Rachael Erickson
Corwin Fluit
Larissa Fluit
Thane Fluit
Tracy Fordham
Daniel Geuze
Chris Heikoop
Michelle Heikoop
Tori Hoogendoorn
David Hoogerheide
Katharine Hoogerheide
Christina Hook
Susan Hook
Brenda Hulshof
Cindy Hulshof
Katie Hulshof
Eric J. Kamp
Frank Kardux
Myrna Kardux
Karen Kegel (2)
Kelly Kegel
Kevin Kegel
Joel Knibbe
Karla Knibbe
Randy Knibbe
Ryan Knibbe
Daniel Koepsell
Jim Kranendonk
Mary Kranendonk
Cindy Kreft
Derek Kreft
Jason Lagge
Jennifer Lagge
Rachel Lagge (2)
Tara Lagge (2)
Joan Lamain
Sara Lamain
William Lamain
Heather Langerak
Joshua Meeuwse
Nathan Meeuwse
Nicole Meeuwse
Julia Neels
Joanne Noorduyn
Jeff Overbeek (3)
Wendy Phillips
Bill Remijn
Heidi Remijn
Sonya Remijn
Darla Rus
Jason Rus
Anne Schelling
Becky Schelling
John Schelling
Ben Schipper
Jeff Schipper (2)
Matthew Schipper (2)
Michelle Schipper (2)
Sarah Schipper
Brenda Spaans
Les Spaans
Aaron Stubbe
Kevin Stubbe
Steven Stubbe
Amanda Timmer (2)
Angela Timmer (2)
Elizabeth Timmer
Theresa Timmer
Alex Van Beek
Paul Van Beek
Connie Van Ginkel
Julie Van Ginkel
Daniel Van Kempen
Dawn Van Seters
Kristel Van Seters
Doug Van Strien
Jennifer Van Strien
Peter Van Strien
Trina Van Tol
Rebecca Van Veldhuizen
Robert Van Veldhuizen
Jason Van Voorst
Larissa Van Voorst
Rachel Van Voorst
Corinna Van Wingerden
Mark Van Wingerden
Marlene Van Wingerden
Paula Van Woudenberg
Maryellen VanBrugge
Renie VanBrugge (2)
Diane Vanden Toorn
Jon Vanden Toorn
Marsha Vanden Toorn
Michael Vanden Toorn
Joe Vander Jagt
Bertus Velthove
Jacqueline Velthove
Pieter Velthove
Jolene Viets (2)
Cindy Ymker
Denise Ymker
Gregory Ymker
Mark Ymker
Mike Ymker
Jeff Zevenbergen
A steamboat was stranded, and the captain could not get it off.
Eventually a man came on board, and said: “Captain, I understand you want a pilot to take you out of this difficulty?”
The captain said: “Are you a pilot?”
“Well, they call me one.”
“Do you know where the snags and sand-bars are?”
“No, sir.”
“Well, how do you expect to take me out of here if you don’t know where the snags and sand-bars are?”
“I know where they are not!”was his reply.
“The way of the wicked, avoid it” (Prov. 4:15). “Shun profane and vain babblings” (2 Tim. 2:16).
An ancient city was besieged, and at length obliged to surrender. In the city were two brothers, who had helped the conquering general. They received permission to leave the city before it was set on fire, taking with them as much of their property as each could carry.
The two youths appeared at the gates of the city, one of them carrying their father, and the other their mother.
In 1822 a vessel was bound from Philadelphia to London, at which place it arrived after encountering many dangers on her voyage. It was there condemned as not being seaworthy, and the individuals to whom it was consigned in London discharged the crew. One of them, a young man about fifteen years of age, was recommended to make his way to Liverpool, where he might probably be able to get employed on another ship bound for America. He accordingly left London and commenced his journey to Liverpool on foot, and, being almost destitute of money, he soon began to feel the hardships of hunger. He was forced to part with such articles as he could spare in order to procure food and, when passing through Stony Stratford, in Buckinghamshire, was compelled to ask charity from a person standing at a door.
The individual said: “What is that you have tied up in your handkerchief?”
“That,” replied the lad, “is my Bible.”
“Well, can’t you sell that? It will help you on your journey.”
“No,” he said, “I will never part with my Bible, even if I sell everything else. I need this for my journey more than anything else.”
Would you so cling to your Bible?
When the Forth Bridge was being built the workmen came to a crucial point where two of the most important iron girders refused by some inches to come together for the bolts to be driven through—a process which was absolutely essential to their union and the stability of the whole bridge. Every mechanical method to bring them together was tried, but to no purpose, and finally in despair all further efforts were abandoned for the night.
It was summer weather. The following morning the sun was very hot, the great masses of metal expanded beneath the warm rays, and the results were achieved by the silent touch of the sun which had defied the utmost efforts of force. Such is the power of the Son of righteousness in reconciling sinners to God when He arises with healing in His wings (Mal. 4:2).
A photographic map of the entire sky showing approximately 1,500,000 stars has been prepared in sections by the astronomers of Harvard University. The whole map would cover more than five acres.
“He calleth them all by name” (Ps. 147:4; Heb. 1:10).
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay
Mold me and make me, after Thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way!
Search me and try me, Master today.
Open mine eyes, my sin show me now,
As in Thy presence humbly I bow.
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way!
Wounded and weary, help me I pray.
Power, all power, surely is Thine.
Touch me and heal me, Savior divine.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1990
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1990
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's