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A Wish for the New Year

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A Wish for the New Year

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The year 1999 lies behind us. There were those who began the year with us but who did not end the year with us. For them it has become eternity. May the Lord comfort and strengthen all the mourning ones among us, and may these callings which come to us from those empty places be sanctified to us. It was a year of the Lord's longsuffering and merciful goodness over us. We have been spared and may be given to enter the year 2000.

A new millennium has begun. What will the future be for our denomination in a world which is becoming increasingly ripe for the judgments of a holy and just God? We do not know, but may the Lord give prayer among us that the truth of His holy Word may be preserved for us and our children. May this truth be ever blessed from heaven in and among us, so that there may be a turning away from the things of the world and a returning unto the former values, when it was better for us than now. It must be our prayer that the Lord graciously bless this truth in our midst to the up building of His kingdom and the salvation of our souls. May He grant that the people of the Lord might grow in the knowledge and grace of their Savior.

Yes, we are living in fearful times. The world is old, and the end is coming very near. The most important thing is not when, but how it will be with me when the end has come for me.

We, the editorial staff of the Banner of Truth, wish for all of our readers the Lord's indispensable blessing in this newly begun year. Our heartfelt gratitude is also expressed to the editorial staff and all who labor faithfully throughout the entire year to make our “banner” available. May the Lord graciously bless you with the health and wisdom to continue these labors in this year, and, of free and sovereign grace, grant that our publication may be blessed to bind us as a people to the throne of God's grace in the year 2000.

Rev. J. den Hoed, Editor

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

A Wish for the New Year

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's