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The Command to Follow the Lord

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The Command to Follow the Lord

5 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“Follow Me” (John 1:43b).

“Follow Me!” Beloved reader, this is the command given by the lips of the Lord Jesus to each person who desires to be His disciple.

“Follow Me” is a command rich in content. Only take notice who it is we are to follow. It is Jesus, the Christ, the only begotten of the Father. We are to follow Him at all times. No, it is not enough that we follow Him for a time, then later go our own way or follow another. We are to follow Him not only on Sunday, and then during the week to choose our own way. No, Jesus must be followed all the days of our life—in days of prosperity and adversity, of health and sickness, of peace and war. He must be followed not only in public, but also in secret. The reverse is also true. He must be followed not only in the inner chamber, but also in public, in all areas of life, wherever we might be.

He must be followed with a right purpose. It must not be for the bread which perishes, not even to escape death and hell. We must follow Jesus for Jesus; it must be out of love for His Person. He must be followed without looking back. The Lord Jesus said, “No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). No, it must be as with Paul. He forgot that which was behind (Philippians 3:13). How often we are looking back!

He must be followed without standing still, for otherwise we become sleepy. Then we will be as the ten virgins in the parable, who lost sight of Jesus. Therefore it must be a following which is and remains continually, without ceasing. How often we lag behind!

He must be followed. We must not run ahead, not even if the pace at which Jesus walks seems too slow. Following means to let Him go before, while we are blind for what lies ahead. There must be a following in faith. Oh, how seldom do we follow, for how often we are ahead of Jesus.

We must follow Him in the way that He goes. This at times appears to be dangerous. Indeed, the way that Jesus goes is often a way of hunger and affliction, of crosses and burdens, of temptation, of grief, of humiliation and shame. Indeed, it is a way in which we ourselves must lose our life.

Much is spoken about following Jesus, but if it must be reality for us, then grace is necessary. Grace is necessary to begin with it, but also to continue with it until the end. By far the greatest number will not begin, but also, how many there are who do not continue! How many turn back when they become aware that the way behind Jesus is so entirely different from what they had supposed. Yet, only those who shall endure to the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13).

There are those who say, “Lord, I will follow Thee; but let me first do this or that, and then I will follow Thee. Not yet, but later I will follow Thee.” This is like Augustine, who prayed to be converted, but silently added, “Not yet.” One does not know if he will still be living tomorrow. Solomon did speak of a time to be born and a time to die, but he did not say that there was a time to live. Take notice of this!

There are those who are willing to follow Jesus, but they would like to take the entire world along with them behind Jesus. That is not possible. We are to forsake all that cannot and will not go with us, even father and mother. All that a person carries along is excess baggage.

Oh, there are many who would specify conditions to the Lord under which they would follow Him. They are willing to follow if the way is not too long, not too humiliating, not too dangerous, not too painful; also provided they may take something with them, or provided they would not encounter this or that, etc. However, the Lord does not desire any conditions; He urgently commands unconditional submission and obedience.

However, then there is nobody who by nature is prepared to follow Him. This is the truth, beloved reader. If we shall in deed and in truth become followers of Jesus and remain to the end, then it is necessary that He Himself make us followers of Him. We follow Him only through Him! This He has also taken upon Himself to do, to make followers of all those whom He shall one day present before the Father as a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing (Ephesians 5:27). This He does by His Word and Spirit. This He does by renewing them, untying the knots by which they are held in bonds in a life outside of Him. He pours love in their hearts, love to God and love to Christ.

Then, oh wonder, that which at first was not possible now goes of itself; what at first was a compulsion becomes a totally inclined willingness; what at first appears to be death becomes life for us; what at first seemed so bitter becomes our salvation.

Reader, can you in sincerity of heart testify before the Lord, “Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed Thee” (Matthew 19:27)? Is there then in you a knowledge of self, of God, and of Christ? Remember, peace of heart, comfort in this life, and the entrance behind Jesus into the eternal mansions of the Father are dependent upon the following of Jesus. (1864-1935)

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

The Command to Follow the Lord

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's