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A Pastoral Letter

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A Pastoral Letter

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dear congregation,

The summer has passed, fall is here, and winter is approaching. The season of many labors and activities in the church has begun again. Catechism classes are being held, confession of faith class has started, family visitations are being made. I hope that fruits may be seen upon all these labors. Remember the office-bearers, also in your prayers, for who is sufficient for these things?

Several months ago the school year started. College students returned to their classes, and now everyone seems to be very busy. However, let us not forget what the Lord Jesus said: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” By nature, we often do not set the right priorities. We work and study and are busy with many things, but we often neglect the needs of our souls, which are created for eternity. We live in a very materialistic age, in an increasingly secular society, and its dangerous influence does not pass by our families and young people. My young friends, you need a place such as Daniel had, in front of windows open towards Jerusalem, to be kept and to be led in the way the Lord wants you to go.

We may be thankful that we still have opportunities for Christian education, and that we have our own schools. Parents, remember your baptismal vows; support our schools, and remember the teachers in your prayers.

There is a concern that I would like to bring to your attention. Our schools need not only financial support for transportation, buildings, equipment, and salaries, but they also need young men and women who feel that it is the Lord's will that they become teachers in our schools. At present, there is a shortage of teachers. I know that several young men and women may be struggling with the question whether they should pursue training for teaching or not. Young people, we need you in the schools. Perhaps you will not get the high-paying jobs that others may have. You may even need to make some sacrifices. But what a reward it is to see how you can be used to be a guide to our youth, to teenagers, in this time that is so difficult and confusing to them. How rewarding it could be to see how you may be used to help to train them up in the way they should go.

Please consider the needs of our schools, and try to lay it before the Lord. May He incline your hearts to give yourselves for the education of our children. I hope also our seniors in high school, who have already had to make some choices concerning their future course of studies, may consider this request. Young friends, teaching is a responsible but beautiful work, in which you hopefully may have a positive impact upon other young people.

Parents, speak about these concerns with your children; may our youth see in your life that you are not just like the world, success-oriented and materialistic, seeking the riches of this world. May they see in your life love for God, for His kingdom, and then also for the means by which He builds that kingdom. May Christian education, under His blessing, also be used for this purpose.

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6).

May the Lord bless our schools, principals and teachers, and families.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 december 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

A Pastoral Letter

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 december 2000

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's