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Dr. H. F. Kohlbrugge The Language of Canaan (10)

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Dr. H. F. Kohlbrugge The Language of Canaan (10)

11 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

The King of His church takes care of His pilgrims. He feeds them at His table, and He strengthens them. They are dependent on Him in everything. Often they go astray and bring themselves into great troubles, but the King seeks His wandering people and restores them. They are made more like unto Him, but the work of perfection is not yet finished. However, they long to serve and worship Him without sin, as He is worthy. These pilgrims have both enemies and friends.

Enemies and friends

Ask-Freely: Can you tell me something more about your enemies and your friends?

Straight-Forward: My enemies are those who flatter me, and my friends are those who beat me hard and do not spare me when I do wrong and go astray. There are people who are very angry with me; they scold me, curse me, and shun me like the pestilence, as if I were the devil in person. And yet I like these people very much, because they make it evident that my armor is good, my sword is not too short, and my work is in truth. These people often have to finally admit this. However, there are also those who say they are my friends, but the only thing they do is vex me and trouble me very much. All they do is seek themselves, but not that which is to the honor of my King. All they do is imitate. They closely observe what I do and how I go, and they try to imitate that and to be what I am. One thing is lacking with them, that is “the life.” They consider themselves pious, but they show no kindness and love in their walk.

Actually, I do not have a single enemy. Why would anyone be angry with me, since I am seeking the welfare of them all?

In short, I could say that I hate all the enemies of my King with a perfect hatred and that the friends of my King are my soul-friends. I am my own worst enemy, in a double sense. My King is my dearest friend above anyone else. He is the only Friend on whom I can rely completely. He is my true Friend, even though He sometimes seems to deal with me as if He were an enemy.

The character of the friends

Ask-Freely: What is the character of the friends of your only Friend?

Straight-Forward: Their character is that they are very honest, going in straight paths, doing everything for the King. Their yes is yes, their no is no. They meditate upon the words of their King and keep them in their hearts. They are people that do not lie; they mean what they say. They stay upon the fields of the near kinsman, as Ruth did, and they always hunger and thirst after righteousness. They seek the green pastures, they do not listen to strangers, and they discern the wolf, even if he is clothed in sheep's clothing. They highly appreciate the washtub, and they clean their dirty garments in pure water. They groan if they are not pure within and without. They do not have any rest before they know how to walk according to the laws of the King's path. They do not have their own desire and will in view, but the delight of the King. Their feet are not unsteady, but they go steadfastly on the narrow road, shunning all half-heartedness and all half-work. They have peace with their King's government, resting when He rests and continuing the journey when He goes before them. They do not pretend to have the right to execute personally those commandments of the King that come in general to themselves or to others, but they wait upon His particular command and direction. They also do not fetch part of the King's spoil, but they wait for what He will personally distribute to them. They only work when ordered to do so, yet what they produce can endure the ages, and it is beyond all changing fashions and tastes of men. They are like the spiders in the palaces of the King, who continue to weave their webs no matter how often their webs are destroyed. They are as certain roses, which when trampled upon seven times yet lift up their heads again. And all their goods are securely stored in the treasure house of the King, where they are safe.

Straight-Forward speaks here about the true friends of the King. The Lord makes them upright. They have hunger and need the cleansing blood. They seek instruction in how to walk with an undivided heart. They follow their King and may rest in His wise government, not running ahead and assuming all kinds of responsibilities without being sent by Him to do His work. They do not want to steal the riches of the King but wait for His gracious gifts. By God's grace they may bear fruits which are not subject to changing fashions or customs. No matter how often their work seems to be in vain, and though they are oppressed and despised, they will lift up their heads again. All that they are and have is safe under the keeping of their King.

Ask-Freely: Good! Tell me more about them.

Straight-Forward: They hate themselves, as well as father, mother, wife, child, and all who might seek to hinder them from doing the King's commandments. Only the King's command has real weight for them. Nothing can please them but His work alone, and they can accept nothing but what He graciously gives them. They do not have any expectation from themselves, and they do not trust in themselves, nor in their courage, sword, or own will. They are all willing servants of this King; they are dressed just like Him, and they desire to die the death of a victor with Him. When they are among the Philistines, they are like the servants of David who fetched water out of the well of Bethlehem, whenever the King desires this. They cannot be burned in the hottest furnace nor be drowned in the deepest water. Even if they are thrown in the lion's den, the hungriest lion lies down at their feet. They know they are an immortal people, and they will one day receive a complete kingdom and wear the crown of honor. Therefore they do not consider life or death, honor or dishonor, much or little of everything needed here. One thing is enough for them, namely, that nobody or nothing can separate them from their King. In all their circumstances they travel the straight path into the city which He has prepared for them.

Love and unity

Ask-Freely: I hear that you have a high regard for that people, and it seems that you love them very much and do not see any evil in them.

Straight-Forward: My King Himself does not see any evil in them; how then would I see it in them? I sing with joy from Psalm 119:63, “I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts,” and also of the sweet ties that knit one to God's dear people. They are like a flock of sheep, which, though totally helpless and defenseless in themselves, may trample underfoot all that come against them. If you only could see them in their battle-array, with their silver harnesses and with their golden helmets and shields, then they are bright as the lightning of heaven, and they are more glorious than the sun.

In the song of praise which the pilgrim sings of God's peculiar people, he describes them not as they see themselves and as they often experience their own weakness and foolishness, stumbling on the road, but as they are in the perfect work of Christ in the sight of God. When their faith is in exercise, they may lift up their heads and may go on with new courage to the city prepared for them.

With the same language

Ask-Freely: From where do those people come?

Straight-Forward: My King assembles them from all regions of the earth, the coasts of the sea, and all the islands. He has brought them, and brings every one of them, on this way.

Ask-Freely: But can you understand every one of them?

Straight-Forward: Yes, for it is particularly their language which is also the language of my heart. What they say is as if it comes from the bottom of my own heart. Even when we see each other for the first time, the flame is kindled and our hearts melt together. There is but one law, one way, one choice, one will, one spirit, one baptism, one Lord, one suffering, one groaning, one psalm, one Father, and we may tell each other so many glad tidings. None can stand to see the other one sad or burdened, for then they hasten to share some of the burden, and they do not rest before they have dried their tears. They share with each other the last morsel of bread and the last drop of comfort.

Ask-Freely: Comfort! Yes, that is indeed what those people need, for often they must suffer so much, and the King is sometimes quite angry with them! Then they are as if in the prison, yea, among the dead, and He lets them sigh and groan in darkness and desertion. The King even sometimes comes against them like a lion or angry bear. Why is that?

Straight-Forward: There can be two reasons: either He wants to show His enemies that He can put them to shame and break their strength by means of feeble instruments, or He visits the iniquities of His people in anger. But if they only groan for grace, He appears as a reconciling and prayer-hearing King. Then they may take hold of His strength and make peace with Him.

Ask-Freely: What is His strength?

Straight-Forward: That is His royal love.

Accusations in court

Ask-Freely: But I sometimes see them in court, and there I hear such terrible accusations and demands against them.

Straight-Forward: In that place you can see me more than anyone else.

Ask-Freely: Why?

Straight-Forward: What is the reason? There is no one who walks so crookedly as I do. During the night I have to make up for everything I neglected during the day. Then sometimes I see neither moon nor stars, but hail and snowstorms, pouring rains and a violent, howling wind. Sometimes the way is so incomprehensible to me, so slippery, that it is nearly impossible to remain standing. Then I progress inch by inch, and I become a creeper. Sometimes I have to climb; or I come to a ravine, and although it may be only a foot wide, I do not have the courage to jump over it. Often my feet are full of blisters, so that I absolutely cannot go on anymore. So often I am sidetracked and slip, and then I sit in the mud up to my neck. Then again I do not dare to take one step anymore, because I am so afraid. I see all kinds of dangers and impossibilities. All the time there is also one behind me who observes all my steps, and as soon as I begin to halt and stumble, he attacks me, accuses me, and tries to lead me astray and to deceive me. Yes, it takes but a little moment of carelessness and I am going astray again, but it looks like eternity before I am back on the right road again. From this you can understand how many accusations the adversary can bring in against me. There are also those accusations that I am often so discouraged because the road is so difficult, and that I am even afraid that the end will be wrong.

Ask-Freely: How is it in the court?

Straight-Forward: Then I am in great distress, so I continually cry, “Have mercy upon me, the sinner, and show me again Thy grace.” I cannot rejoice until I may see my Advocate again and He speaks to me, saying, “Who shall lay anything to their charge?” Thus the accuser will never succeed against those who are of this way.

Ask-Freely: Upon what ground do they reject this accusation?

Straight-Forward: Only on the basis that our King Himself has walked this way with us to the end without falling and stumbling. He has done this for all His people and has paid for all their transgressions.

Kohlbrugge describes the glory, happiness, and the precious privileges of the true pilgrims, but he also knows of their daily strife, stumbling, and struggles. He cannot say enough about their riches when he describes the beauty of that people. However, he also knows that in themselves they remain wretched, poor, miserable sinners. It is only by the grace of God and because of the redemptive work of Christ that they certainly will be saved. Therefore they will give Him all the honor.

— to be continued —

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 augustus 2001

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Dr. H. F. Kohlbrugge The Language of Canaan (10)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 augustus 2001

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's