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Instructing Our Children

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Instructing Our Children

6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

The year 2002 is passing by so rapidly. It seems only a few days ago that our children ended the past school year, and soon it will be time to begin again. Education is important in all phases of life: in school, in catechism classes, and in the home. The education that our children receive in the home is of utmost importance, and I fear that in many homes it is almost not considered. Psalm 127:3 tells us that "children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is His reward." Now this heritage of the Lord must be cared for, but in a different way than caring for our business, home, or daily work. What a great responsibility is laid upon parents to instruct their children according to God's holy Word! When children are very young, their hearts are tender and can be instructed and guided. Generally, the older they become the more difficult it is to teach them.

Moses, the servant of the Lord, is speaking before Israel the commandments, statutes, and judgments that the Lord had commanded to teach them. He is saying to Israel that all this "shall be in thine heart." God's Word must be laid up in our heart that the whole soul may live under its influences. It is the scriptural instruction given to children that is commanded. It must be realized that we and our children, by nature, are ignorant of these things, and we all need the light of the Spirit. We still are creatures of God, given the capacity to study and learn, but with no instruction, one grows up mentally in darkness.

What a great responsibility is laid upon parents to instruct their children according to God's holy Word!

He says in verse 7, "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children." The words of the law and of the whole Scripture must be taught. It is the inspired Word given by God, and the Lord tells us as parents that we are to teach it in a diligent way to our dear children. Diligently means with all the strength and wisdom given to us. Israel had to instruct their children in what had taken place in Egypt, and how the Lord had guided them through the Red Sea, led them in the wilderness, and fed them with manna for so many years.

When we consider these words for today, we must say that the first place of instruction is to be in the home, given by the parents. The text says "Thy children." The Lord brings it home so personally to the heart of each parent. Parents must provide food, clothing, medical needs, and the essentials of life, which all are necessary. On the other side we live in a time that many parents are giving their children the most glamorous clothing to be found and expensive games to play with, and allow them to do foolish and ungodly things with computers, and go with their children to sports events and places of evil. Do you, parent, allow your child in the arcades of this world, places where all those foolish games of racing, killing, etc, are done? Do you give your child videos to look at so you will not be bothered? Do you have television, which implants in the mind of your child all the evils of our time? This text says to teach your children the things of God's Word diligently. In doing this, diligence must be used. It sometimes takes pains to instruct children, but sometimes our daily work also is difficult. We must take the heritage that God gave us and use the time that is given to teach and direct our children in the right way. Dear parents, how we must teach our children to love God above all, and our neighbor as ourselves. How each one of us, parent or grandparent, must be an example for our children. Read to your children at an early age from God's Word and from Bible story books for children. Plant good knowledge in their minds, and seek that God would give true conversion. In many homes today are found a great number of children's fairytale books; parents sit down and read them over and over to their children, but how much time is spent reading material that is valuable for their souls?

"And shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." This refers to speaking to our children of these things at all times. Do it with reverence and seriousness, for the benefit of your children. Talk to and instruct your children when they rise in the morning, when you eat a meal together, when you have a little free time, when you walk with them, and when you travel with them. Point out how great God is, His majesty and glory seen in viewing the mountains, streams, oceans, or prairie. The greatness and beauty of God are seen in all things, but man so seldom is given to see it.

In what other way must we instruct our children? Do it in simplicity; this is of utmost importance. Nothing is more foolish and ends up more useless than when one instructs children with words far above their understanding. We must bring words, thoughts, and instructions to the level of the person. Consider the instruction given by the Lord Jesus when He was on earth. He spoke clearly, plainly, and sincerely. What a great example to follow.

In instructing our children one needs patience and perseverance. Not all children are quick and apt to learn. One mind is slower than another, and all have different levels of development. Teaching children can be compared to pouring liquid into a bottle that has a narrow neck. What is needed to pour? One must be careful, patient, keep his eyes on the bottle, and do it slowly. Is that not what is needed in dealing with our children? All instruction must be accompanied by prayer, asking the Lord to grant what is needed for you to instruct and for your child to learn.

Dear friends, what I have tried to mention is needed in the home, church, and school in our daily lives. Parents, the home is the first place of teaching, office-bearers in the church are called upon to instruct, and the teachers in our Christian schools are called upon in all sincerity to give godly instruction to our children. Trifle not with the commandments of God. Follow the instructions of God's holy Word. Soon we and our children will stand before the Lord, and how will we answer in that day? May the Lord instruct every one of us, guide us, lead us, and direct each one of us in this all-important work that is laid upon us.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 2002

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Instructing Our Children

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 2002

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's