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The Heidelberg Catechism (13)

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The Heidelberg Catechism (13)

(Explained for Children)

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We have spoken of two names of the Lord Jesus, the name Jesus and the name Christ. Now there are two more names; the first name is the only begotten Son of God. What is meant by only begotten Son7. It means that God has only one Son.

Question 33: Why is Christ called the only begotten Son of God, since we are also the children of God?

Answer: Because Christ alone is the eternal and natural Son of God; but we are children adopted of God, by grace, for His sake.

The question is asked, Does God not have many children? Are not all those who are converted also children of God? Why then is Christ called the only begotten Son of God? We will now explain what the difference is between the Son of God and God's children.

The Lord Jesus is the Son of God, for the Father Himself has said so. When Jesus was baptized, the Father said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He has always existed, just as have the Father and the Holy Ghost. This is not true of God's children. They only exist from the time they are born. This is therefore already a great difference between the Son of God and God's children.

Jesus is also the natural Son of God, which means that He is God, just like the Father and the Holy Ghost. He has a divine nature. This was evident when He was upon earth. He was almighty; He could even bring the dead to life. He was all-knowing; before someone spoke, He already knew their thoughts. This is not true for God's children. They are human; they are not like God. They are not almighty and not all-knowing.

God's children are adopted of God to be His children. First they were children of the devil, but God can make the devil's children to be children of God. That takes place when they are regenerated, or born again (Lord's Day 3, Question 8 ) . How can God do that? He does so for Christ's sake, which means that Christ has merited this. Only for that reason does God adopt His children. None of God's children can merit it themselves; no, it is by grace alone. Grace means to receive much good, although you have merited severe punishment.

Now we come to the fourth name, Lord.

Question 34: Wherefore callest thou Him our Lord?

Answer: Because He hath redeemed us, both soul and body, from all our sins, not with gold or silver, but with His precious blood, and hath delivered us from all the power of the devil; and thus hath made us His own property.

The answer given is: “Because He hath redeemed us.” You know that when you have bought something, it belongs to you. Then you receive it as your own; it is your property. In former days some also bought people. Think of Joseph. He was sold to Potiphar, and then he was Potiphar's property. He was Potiphar's servant.

In like manner Jesus has purchased His people. They are His; they are His servants, His property. He has redeemed them from all their sins. Indeed, sin is just like a prison. The Lord Jesus brings His children out from it. However, a great payment had to be made, for because of sin all people have merited God's punishment, which is eternal death. Sin is so terrible, and this prison is also so terrible. Who would be willing to pay? Who would be able to pay? It is the Lord Jesus, He only!

What is the price which He had to pay? Is it a great deal of money? No, it is something more than that. Is it precious gold or silver? No, it is much more. He must pay with His life. He had to die on the cross. Therefore the student said, “Redeemed with His precious blood.” When someone gives his blood, does he not give his life? Precious means costly, it was a costly price. A person cannot give more than his life. Therefore it was an extreme price for an extreme punishment.

Jesus not only bought His people, but He also delivered them; He delivered them from all the power of the devil. This power means that the devil has everyone in his control. He is the owner of everyone, but Jesus delivers them from the devil's control. It is the same as when David delivered a kid from the paws of a lion. The devil is like a lion. But the Lord Jesus delivers His children from his strong and vicious claws. The Lord can do this because He is God, and He is still doing that work. In this way the Lord provides that His children become His property.

God's children are His property with soul and body. It is true that one day they will die and their bodies will be buried. But then the Lord also provides for them, for He shall cause their bodies to rise from the grave on the judgment day. What about their souls? At death their souls go directly unto the Lord in heaven. How blessed then are God's children!

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 oktober 2004

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

The Heidelberg Catechism (13)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 oktober 2004

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's