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Safe behind the Filter?

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Safe behind the Filter?

8 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Translated from De Saambinder

In several of our schools, in cooperation with the local congregation(s), programs have been held featuring speakers from outside of our church community alerting both parents and students of the inherent dangers associated with the modern media. From these programs we could see clearly the gulf which exists between parents and children regarding the use and knowledge of the modern media. The development of new technology is progressing at breakneck speed, and especially for many adults such as parents and grandparents it is almost impossible to understand and comprehend. The responsibility which has been placed upon us for the raising of our children at the time they were baptized is an impossible task from human perspective. Prayerfully looking to the Lord for His indispensable blessing and help we hope to from time to time include some articles, both original and from other periodicals, to shed some light on these developments and provide direction for parents and those entrusted with the raising and education of our children.


The following article has been translated from De Saambinder (May 23, 2013). It relates a discussion by a Synodical committee dealing with “The Family” at the meeting of Classis Kampen.

The secularization in our country is progressing rapidly. Law upon law is passed to satisfy the desires of man who wishes to remain autonomous. In Reformed circles our attention is directed to this trend using the motto, “The storm is ever increasing.” Silently, however, something else is occurring, which is perhaps even more serious. We want to share with you some impressions as a result of a recent Classical meeting—a call to be alert and to put the hand to the plow.


A deep impression was left behind upon the brothers during the Classical meeting in Kampen last March. What was the reason for this? At the Classical meeting the opportunity was given to provide a brief sketch of the reality of how young people are using the media. One month previous to the meeting the RD (Dutch Reformed Newspaper) had written that many Reformed students were occupied with pornography. A percentage of them had been unsuccessful in stopping this activity. “Brothers, how many (baptized) members in your congregation have problems with the use of the modern media? How many are addicted to pornography? Is it 10, 20, perhaps 40%?” If we look a bit further about us, we see that a canvassing of students from Reformed schools has clearly shown that there is little difference in their use of the media as compared to the rest of the country.


But, don’t we have all types of filters, some stronger and some less strong? It is an open secret that filters are very often bypassed and files of questionable material are frequently shared and that smartphones make available unfiltered Internet. It is more and more possible to surf the Internet in public places, which is, of course, unfiltered. These possibilities will only increase with time.

The reality of the media and the way filters work was illustrated by showing a sandcastle at the sea shore. At low tide, the castle was still intact, but at high tide the walls were broken down and just a few portions were left standing. In this manner our (baptized) members will be washed away by the information and representations which are in strife with God and His commandments. Let the image of the sandcastle remain continually before your eyes!


To the brothers, a number of whom were older, it was made even clearer. According to church order, we take action when a TV is present in the home. The traditional differences, however, between the different types of media have disappeared. All media is integrated. We must, therefore, change the focus from the media devices and the carriers of the media to the messages of the media and how they function. This means that in church life we must deal differently with the modern media. We must concern ourselves with the use of the media and the consequences thereof. Pastoral care will not only concern itself with a person’s state for eternity, marriage problems, family difficulties, and problems with the raising of children but also regarding the use of the media. We must, moreover, take care to not only talk about the negative use of the media but to speak to the responsible use of the media.

The media committee of the Classis has divided their approach into three themes: awareness, consciousness, and behavior. The order of these is important. Behavior follows according to the measure whereof a person is aware of the dangers and their influences and the ability to defend that knowledge according to moral standards. Deeds always have a source, either in thoughts or feelings. The wrongness or rightness of the source thereof will become visible in the deeds.

At the end of the presentation, there was an opportunity for discussion. It was striking that in all of the reactions there was a strong pastoral tone. The need was felt, and participants also realized that there was a common responsibility of office bearers, parents, instructors, and societies. In short, the entire congregation is of importance in dealing with the spiritual welfare of its members.


We must speak together about how the preaching, catechizing, pastoral care, and church discipline can have the pre-eminence among us. Herein, the Word of God is decisive, not only in the norms but also in the underlying truths and morals. The prophets spoke in a time when the influences of the heathen were strong. The apostles established congregations in heathen cultures. Also in those days the church was threatened.

Every age has its strife. Office bearers and others who give instruction have the calling to lead in the culture of today. They must with a prophetic sharpness analyze and draw attention to the spirit of today. They must with a priest-like passion be concerned with the spiritual well-being of the members of the congregation and allow God’s Word to speak with kingly authority. They have the task of preparing parents for the rearing of their children so that, when those young people mature, they may be able to make proper choices.

Every age has its strife. Office bearers and others who give instruction have the calling to lead in the culture of today. They must with a prophetic sharpness analyze and draw attention to the spirit of today. They must with a priest-like passion be concerned with the spiritual well-being of the members of the congregation and allow God’s Word to speak with kingly authority.

A media committee can be a hand and a foot in carrying out these duties. The Classis of Kampen in setting up its media committee has deliberately included young people since they are up-to-date with the modern media. Committees can also be helpful in particular regions. Certainly, in larger congregations they can be of great value. The contacts between parents, the youth, office bearers, youth leaders, and individual members can in this manner be kept close.


The world, in the form of all types of media messages, enters in through the cracks in our homes. We breathe in, as it were, a life without God. The consciences of our children, as well as those of the adults, must be formed. That must happen, in the first place, in the family. It is important to speak to the children regarding Biblical norms and morals as they apply to everyday life (Deuteronomy 6).

It is at least as important that parents have a longing to live a life walking in God’s ways. To take that a step further, also the instructors have an important role. For young people it is important that the doctrines which are learned are coupled to the practice of daily life. Instructors, and also youth leaders, who recognize that they, just like the catechism students, are sinners can be very meaningful for young people. They also wrestle with their sinful nature. They do not write about young people who are so bound to the modern media that they can no longer let go of it, but they try to help them and to pray with them.

More than ever, it is important that members give a helping hand to each other and encourage each other to walk in the ways which the Lord requires of us. Parents can speak with other parents not only about the difficulties which they are facing with their children’s use of the modern media but also about how they can use the modern media in a responsible manner. In this way they can receive support from each other and encourage one another in the raising of their children.

The fruits of these efforts do not lie with us. We have the task to plant and to water, but for the growth and the fruit thereof we are dependent upon the work of God’s Spirit.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 juli 2013

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Safe behind the Filter?

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 juli 2013

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's