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A Letter to Our Graduates

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A Letter to Our Graduates

6 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Rev. J. den Hoed, Franklin Lakes, NJ

June 2015

Dear Graduates,

It is because of the Lord’s mercies and goodness that you have been spared and enabled to graduate and receive your diploma. Before you lies an uncertain future, whether in further education or in the workforce. We pray that the Lord will guide and direct you in all the days of tomorrow. You have received much instruction both in the knowledge of the world and from the riches of God’s Word. It is especially the Word of the Lord which is of such great value as you plan your future. I would like to share with you some instruction which we read in the Book of Ruth, chapter 2, verse 8, “Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not, my daughter? Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens.”

You are all undoubtedly aware of Ruth’s coming to Bethlehem from Moab with her mother-in-law, Naomi. On her return Naomi said, “I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me home again empty.” Naomi and Ruth, humanly speaking, were in great need, for there was no food in their home. Ruth then said to Naomi, “Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace.” We read further that she gleaned in the field after the reapers, “and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz.”

My dear young people, may the Lord keep you close to the field upon which you have been placed. Always remember, it is not the messenger who is most important but the Lord who is willing to bless that message to your soul.

It was while Ruth was gleaning in the field that Boaz came and spoke to her. He told her, “Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens.” Why was it so important that she stay upon his field, that she follow his maidens and his reapers? Because it was upon his field that she would slowly learn who Boaz was. It was upon his field that she would learn about his love and his providing for her. That is why, my young people, I would say to you today, “If the Lord has placed you upon a field here, then stay upon this field. If you have an ear, and if you have a hunger, bow your knees upon this field and ask the Lord to bless you.”

Some may say, “Do you think yours is the only church?” No, I would never say that, but I am fully convinced that we may have a doctrine and truth which is according to the Bible, according to God word. We may have help from the sanctuary and we may pray together. Now it may be that there are young people who, as they become older, simply say, “I’m going to another field.” Then I want to warn you today because as Boaz said to Ruth, “It is upon this field you need to stay, and upon this field I will, step by step, reveal myself in your life.”

Sometimes people say, “I don’t find much upon this field.” I can understand that because it seems, at times, as though the Lord is holding His hand still. Let me ask you, “Are your eyes upon this field? How did you come up to church on Sunday morning? Did you bend your knees before you came, asking the Lord if He would bless His word to your soul? Was there a true hunger in your heart?”

Sometimes there are those who say the food upon this field is not enough; there is no food for my soul. Then I would say to you, “Be careful; for what are you hungering?” I notice that Ruth does not say, “I will go and walk in that standing barley over there and gather some of it.” No, she knows her place as a needy one, as a stranger. By this she means to say that she does not belong to those people, but as a stranger she may glean upon the field that Boaz has shown her. That is why Boaz comes to Ruth to tell her to stay here upon his field and abide fast by his maidens.

Why does he tell her to follow the maidens and not the reapers? The reapers gather the corn and lay it down. That corn belongs to Boaz. The maidens follow to gather and bind the corn into sheaves and stand the sheaves in the field. What is left behind is for the Ruths who are gleaning on that field. In order to glean, one has to bend and reach down to gather those ears of corn. One cannot look around and just pluck them out of the air. Thus it is in the church. If we do not come in the right frame, if we look around for “other fields,” we will not find those ears which are left behind for us. My dear young people, may the Lord keep you close to the field upon which you have been placed. Always remember, it is not the messenger who is most important but the Lord who is willing to bless that message to your soul.

There once was a minister who was preaching a sermon, and he said afterward, “I never had such a difficult time in bringing the message. I did not know how I would ever get through it.” During the singing the members could hear him begging the Lord to help him. The Lord used that sermon, a sermon that he did not think was worth anything, to convert his wife. That same God still lives. May you seek Him with all your heart and soul, also in the unknown future.

Your friend,
Rev. J. den Hoed

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 augustus 2015

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

A Letter to Our Graduates

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 augustus 2015

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's