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Criticism of the Bible

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Criticism of the Bible

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust” (1 Timothy 6:20a).

The Apostle Paul, who was endowed with much grace from the Lord and, moreover, was granted great wisdom and understanding, has written that “the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). He meant that so-called wisdom, if it lacks God, is really foolishness.

In the first epistle to the Corinthians, Paul cited with approval what Isaiah, one of the greatest prophets of all time, prophesied against Jerusalem. “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent” (1 Corinthians 1:19).

Both Isaiah and Paul, great in grace because they knew their own smallness before God, were endowed with abundant wisdom, but it was wisdom ennobled by God’s irresistible grace. Thus, it is not wrong to be learned; rather, it is good to study. Learning, however, should be coupled with grace, else mere knowledge consists only of words—words without wisdom.

We live in an apparent “learned age,” with educated people. We are “smart,” are we not? Generally speaking, it is sad to say that the more educated people become, the more they try to erase God from earthly plans and theories.

There have been times that only a few children or adults in our Netherlands Reformed Congregations had studied a great deal or acquired much learning. This was true in the USA, Canada, and also the Netherlands. In our days much of that has changed. Slowly on, an increasing number of our (baptized) members have (eaten many letters), as the Dutch expression states. Scores of our young people are going on to higher education such as colleges and universities. Some have even received graduate or doctoral degrees.

Now, knowledge at our fingertips can be a great blessing, and I certainly would not like to condemn getting an education. However, the attaining of knowledge brings with it a tremendous danger. It is a danger which we must not overlook.

To what danger am I referring? Well, it is this— there is a danger of going along with the criticism of the Bible when we become more educated and more “sophisticated.” In the beginning we criticize silently “under cover,” as it were, possibly without realizing the consequences, and then later on we criticize openly. Whatever may be the case, it is still criticism of the revealed Word of Lord.

There are different types of criticism. A critical evaluation of God’s Word is not what is meant here. Scripture must be compared with Scripture, it is true. In that sense the explanation of Scripture arises out of Scripture. We should not pour our own meaning into a text (even if what we are saying may be right). We may not use one text to disprove another. Nor may we judge Scripture’s truth by historical accounts that were not inspired. Difficulties may still remain; not all texts will be clear. Why is that? It is because our understanding is darkened, not because the Bible is in error.

It comes down to a basic fact. Do we believe the Bible’s testimony about itself? That is, do we believe that what God says in His Word is true? If not, we make Him a liar and place ourselves above the God of the Scriptures. When we criticize the Bible, we try with our finite minds to undermine the divine truths by which many God-fearing generations in the past have lived and have fallen asleep, blessed in the Lord. Indeed, in the hour of their death the words out of that Bible were a comfort for them.

Young people, watch and be careful. Satan lies in wait and tries to whisper all kinds of lies and questions within your heart. Why are there so many wars? Why is there so much misery? How could God possibly create the world out of nothing? How can a heaven exist? Every religion has a certain part of the truth, and all together they make up the entire truth, so they say.

The sad part is that there are many schools where teachers wrest the steadfastness from the truth. This can occur with ridicule, counter arguments, or even by plainly ignoring Scripture. There are numerous professors who have advanced far in learning but who do not bow under the authority of God’s Word. Even the smallest disagreements with the Bible easily lead to bigger disagreements. The Lord alone knows how many of our young people have lost the right pathway because, in their estimation, the truth was rendered powerless.

Does this not speak of the necessity of our own Christian schools? The constitution of our schools ought to be anchored in the Bible and the Three Forms of Unity. These contain a statement of purpose. There we may find a proven, accepted, trustworthy summary of the doctrine according to godliness.

Also, the practices in our schools should be firmly rooted in Scripture. All of our actions, our teaching, and our activities must be judged in the light of Scripture. When we view education in this manner, we will see that much of what is promoted in public schools, and even other Christian schools, cannot stand the test of Scripture. Let us be on guard and not depart from the old paths. Young people, many of you may have to attend public schools or universities, but even if you are privileged to attend one of our schools, pray the Lord for light for your teachers and for yourselves.

Mark well; if you have been raised under the truth, you will never have peace if you go along with opinions which are promoted as enlightened and new truths. For years it may not bother you as you can go along with it, but in the hour of your death, you will discover that you have been deceived. How horrible it will be in that great Day of Judgment.

The devil knows our heart. He knows exactly which poison he must use to ensnare us. He is usually very careful in the beginning how he poisons a person, and the poison may even be pleasant to the taste, but soon we will start on a downward slide which we will be unable to stop. Satan suddenly confronts others with the greatest errors. He blatantly mocks holy matters and denies the truth of God’s Word. Whatever tactic Satan uses, listening to him brings death.

Mark well; if you have been raised under the truth, you will never have peace if you go along with opinions which are promoted as enlightened and new truths. For years it may not bother you as you can go along with it, but in the hour of your death, you will discover that you have been deceived. How horrible it will be in that great Day of Judgment.

Friedrich Nietzsche, a world-renowned philosopher born into a German family of ministers, dared to proclaim that he wished to write on all of the walls of the world that God did not exist. This atheist came to the realization that he had to travel his way through death’s valley alone. All his education had profited him nothing; all his fighting against God landed him in eternal perdition.

May the Lord graciously keep you, spare you, and convert you, especially in your young years.

Rev. A.W. Verhoef (1917-1996)

“The whole counsel of God, concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man’s salvation, faith, and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit, or traditions of men.”

— Westminster Confession

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Criticism of the Bible

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 juni 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's