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Standing at the Beginning of Something New

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Standing at the Beginning of Something New

Address given by Rev. J. den Hoed at the opening chapel of 2016-2017 school year

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Good morning, boys and girls,

At this opening chapel, I would like to read for you from 1 Samuel 3:1-10.

As I lead you in prayer, I would ask that you sit up straight, fold your hands, and close your eyes. (In his prayer Rev. den Hoed acknowledged the Lord for His protecting hand during the summer months and asked the Lord’s blessing for students, teachers, staff, school board, and bus drivers in the coming school year.)

Welcome, students and staff

We are standing at the beginning of something new not only for the kindergarten students but also for older students and the staff. I want you—students, staff, parents, and grandparents—to glance back with me to reflect on how the Lord has spared all of us during the summer months. Students, we note how all of you have grown during this time and are now in a higher grade. The staff, those who are new, those who have returned, and those who have had trials in the past weeks may all be together at this time, and we want you to know that as congregations and families we support you. There is much prayer for you during the week and on the Sabbath Day that the Lord will help you and give you wisdom as you provide the Christian education in our school. We know that young people today need much knowledge to prepare them for higher education and to enter the work force. I want you to realize that this was not the primary purpose of our forefathers when they started this Christian School forty-one years ago. The purpose was for children to be taught, guided, and directed by the Word of God.

I want to speak to you this morning about a young boy who was taken by his mother to be educated at the tabernacle. In a certain way, this was his school. Perhaps you ask, “Why did his mother bring him to the tabernacle?” It was because she had promised the Lord that he would be instructed there and, as he grew up, he was to enter into the service of the Lord. At baptism, your father and mother also promised that you would be instructed in the fear of the Lord.

Samuel had wonderful instructors in his life such as his mother and Eli. We know from the Bible that his mother took care of him. Every year she gave him a new coat, not because the coat was worn out but because Samuel had grown. Can you imagine the prayers of his mother as she was sewing and preparing that coat for him? Can you imagine the thoughts of Samuel every year when he put on this coat? His thoughts would be of his mother who, as she was sewing, was praying that Samuel’s instruction would be blessed to his heart. Also your mother and father provide you with a new coat. Perhaps they buy it for you rather than your mother sewing it, but they provide it as you grow up. I would dare say this morning that there is much prayer also for you that the Lord will bless the Christian instruction to your heart.

Samuel’s other instructor was an old man who, in many ways, was a very disappointed man. He had two sons who wanted to live their own lives. They did not listen to their father’s instruction, and they lived wicked lives. They died on the battlefield and without repenting appeared before God and had to give an account of their doings.

Perhaps you are thinking, “I am young; I am not going to die yet.” Let me tell you, young people, I know of a young girl who did not finish a school year; I know of teenagers who died before the school year had ended, and I know of a young man who was a senior and did not live to see his graduation. Will it be well with you if you have to leave the world? Can you meet God? Have you learned to listen to God’s voice as Samuel did?

Eli, Samuel’s instructor, was old, but he could teach a young child, a child who was as a ray of light in his old age. At first, Samuel did not know the voice of the Lord, but you know the history of how the Lord called him when he was lying in his bed. After thinking two times that Eli had called him, Samuel went to Eli’s bedside, for Samuel did not yet know the voice of the Lord. Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling Samuel, and he told Samuel to say, “Speak, LORD; for Thy servant heareth.” The Lord is faithful, and He called him again: “Samuel, Samuel.” Samuel then replied, “Speak; for Thy servant heareth.” He now knew the voice of the Lord.

The most important thing in your life is not which college you are going to attend even though it is important. The most important thing for you in your life is that your teachers may point you to heed the voice of the Lord. Are you listening to that voice, speaking amongst us? You may ask, “Where is that voice speaking among us?” In the morning when your mother reads the Bible before you go to school; in the evening when your father reads the Bible when he comes home from work; in church when the minister preaches God’s Word; in school where you receive a Christian education. God wants you to grow up in favor with man and with the Lord.

You can see in the life of Samuel that the instruction he received was being blessed in his life. How will you grow up? Will it be your desire only to become stronger, bigger, or more beautiful? Will that be the end result of your Christian education? If so, I feel sorry for you because you are missing something. Rather, listen to the voice of the Lord in your heart and in your life. Ask the Lord to open your heart for His Word and instruction.

Samuel became a leader. You can see in his governing that he had listened to the voice of the Lord and that the Lord was with him. We will not all become leaders, you might say, one who governs. We will not all become important as President of the United States. Some of you might become teachers, for example, but you will all be responsible for the instruction you have received. You can lead by the kindness you show to others as you become older in our school. You can lead by the respect which you show in the classroom when the teacher is instructing. You can lead by showing kindness to others on the playground. Of Samuel it was said that he grew in favor with God and man. May that also be said of you.

I want to leave something with you. I thought of it this morning. It is a text, and I want to leave it with you because I love you. It is from Proverbs, chapter 3:1.

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart
keep My commandments.

May the Lord remember all of you in this new school year.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Standing at the Beginning of Something New

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 september 2017

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's