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Letters to My Young Readers

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Letters to My Young Readers

4 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

DAVID, MEREDITH, & JOSEPH ALEMAN — Thank you so much for your beautiful family picture card and best wishes. I like being able to put a face to your notes and answers (I still had your picture from last year, Meredith). I can see that there are some possible future quiz-makers in your family, as well. I look forward to hearing from all of you again.

ALANA SCHELLING — Welcome to our puzzle pages, Alana. You are quite talented to be able to write in cursive already. Did it take you long to learn? Perhaps you can write me a letter in cursive some time. You had an extra special birthday this year since it was on Thanksgiving and you traveled, too. I’m not quite sure how long it takes me to make the quizzes. I’m glad you like to study from the Bible.

JOHANNA VERVOORN — Hello, Johanna, it is always good to receive letters from newcomers to the puzzle pages. I’m glad you joined us. Do you help on the farm? If you are in seventh grade I’m sure you also keep busy with homework during the school year. Do you know the Dutch language quite well? Perhaps as you become older you will be able to read some of the valuable Dutch books from Dutch ministers.

RACHEL DEVRIES — I’m glad you’ve joined us, also, Rachel. Junior high does bring about more homework, doesn’t it? Is it difficult? It is a good habit to read the Bible, as well as something about the Bible, before going to sleep each night. You will notice that this month’s puzzle speaks of the Bible. Fold your hands before you read and ask the Lord to bless it. He says in His Word, “Seek, and ye shall find.”

REBECCA VAN ZANDWIJK — There is much sickness at this time of year, Rebecca. I’m sorry to hear that you were sick, also, but I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Yes, we had a Christmas break, too. During the break we had a big snowstorm. I hope you had a happy birthday in January. May the Lord keep you in the coming year, but above all, may He teach you the value of your soul.

HENRIETTE & MARILYN HEGER — Are you still skating often, girls? My children enjoy skating, too, but our ice has all been covered over with snow. No, I understand that you have one day a week on which you do not skate. It is such a blessing to have one day a week to stop our busyness and be able to go to church. On that day we may pray, “We thank Thee for Thy day, o Lord: here we Thy promised presence seek; open Thine hand, with blessings stored, and give us manna for the week.”

MEGHANN & EMILEE TENELSHOF — Thanks very much for the picture of you and your sisters, girls. You all look so nice, and your little sisters are so cute. Thank you for your wishes, too. How did your Christmas program go? Those are beautiful songs and pieces, Meghann. What a blessing it would be to know some of those words with the heart and to receive a message like the shepherds did. That is a truly blessed Christmas, and you may ask for it. I’ve always found it hard to pick a favorite season, Emilee. Do you like winter best because of snow? There are things I like about each season: snow fun and cozy winter evenings by a fireplace, birds singing and flowers blooming in the spring, ocean breezes, lake views, and sun-warmed tomatoes in the summer, and crisp cool air and beautiful colors in the fall. How many blessings the Lord gives us in each season, especially when we think of crops growing and harvests gathered.

Thank you so much to all of you who sent me best wishes for the New Year. I wish you all the Lord’s blessing and keeping in SOU and look forward to hearing from you.

Aunt LenaBeth

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 februari 2011

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Letters to My Young Readers

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 februari 2011

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's