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Curatorium Announcement 2005

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Curatorium Announcement 2005

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dear members of the consistories and congregations,

At the beginning of this new year we bring to you this first announcement of the Curatorium regarding the annual meeting which is planned for Wednesday, May 25, D.V. At this meeting, Student Adams will have his examination in respect to his fourth year of study. By passing this examination, he will be eligible for calling by vacant congregations.

However, this meeting also has the purpose of hearing those who have received a consistorial attest, either for minister or ministerial-missionary. This attest is given by the consistory when they may believe that the applicant is called by the Lord to serve in His vineyard to preach the Word of God and administer the holy sacraments. If the congregation is vacant, it is necessary that the moderator be present in an advisory capacity at the time of the hearing. In the case where the Lord enables the consistory to give a favorable decision, they need to contact the clerk of the Curatorium as soon as possible. The consistory will then receive a list of questions which are to be answered by them and returned to the clerk of the Curatorium. We kindly request the consistories to deal with these very important matters by no later than May 7.

Dear members, do we all feel the need of the Lord's help and guidance pertaining to the ministry in our denomination? His help is needed for Student Adams, for the instructors, Rev. P. van Ruitenburg and Rev. C. Vogelaar, and for the Curatorium as well. Would it not be a great wonder if God, as the Lord of the harvest, would be pleased in Himself to send another one out into the harvest, to speak, at God's time, “comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins”?

May our prayers, by God's mercy, be more than mere formality. Let them be that supplicating of which we read in the lives of the saints of old. When the enemy came to Jerusalem to conquer the people and to destroy the city (and that righteously, because of their sins), King Hezekiah sent a delegation to the prophet Isaiah, asking for his prayer (1 Kings 19:1-4). Hezekiah was also praying to the Lord, as we can read in verses 15 to 19. There was only one pleading ground then in those days, so many centuries ago, but also now in the year 2005. That ground is God's faithfulness in His covenant of grace, established in Jesus Christ and His accomplished work, of which His Word testifies:

“With My own chosen one,
e'en David,” God affirmed,
“I've made a covenant,
with sacred oath confirmed;
I've sworn in truth to him,
My servant, ‘I will surely
Build up thy lustrous throne
through every age securely;
Forever will thy seed,
in spite of degradation,
Endure upon thy throne
through every generation.’”

— Psalter 422:2

On behalf of the Curatorium,

Rev. J. Spaans, chairman
Rev. G. M. de Leeuw, clerk (712) 476-2442

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Curatorium Announcement 2005

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's