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The Heidelberg Catechism (20)

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The Heidelberg Catechism (20)

(Explained for Children)

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Now we begin with the third part of the twelve articles. Read again Lord's Day 8, question 24. About this third part is stated: Of God the Holy Ghost and our sanctification. This third part begins with article 8, which reads, “I believe in the Holy Ghost.”

Question 53: What dost thou believe concerning the Holy Ghost?

Answer: First, that He is true and coeternal God with the Father and the Son; secondly, that He is also given me, to make me by a true faith, partaker of Christ and all His benefits, that He may comfort me and abide with me for ever.

In response to the question, “What dost thou believe concerning the Holy Ghost?” we are told of two things. The first is that the Holy Ghost is God, with the Father and the Son. You will recall that there is but one God, a divine Being in which there are three divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. It is therefore a triune divine Being. At times you hear it said, “The divine Trinity.”

Thus the Holy Ghost is also God, true and eternal God. Indeed, He is also almighty, all-knowing, and everywhere present, just like the Father and the Son. We call Him the third Person in the divine Being. In the Bible He is also called the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of God, and the Comforter.

We read of Him already in the beginning, at creation. Genesis 1:2 says, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” In creation the Holy Ghost provided life for all that was alive. In like manner He renews everything in nature in the springtime. After a cold winter, everything again comes to life.

He also gives gifts to men. When the tabernacle was to be built, Bezaleel and Aholiab received from the Holy Ghost the wisdom and ability to do that difficult work. The Holy Ghost also provided that the Bible came into existence. He took care that the men who wrote the books of the Bible could make no mistakes. He also continues to provide for men who preach from the Bible, proclaiming the Word of God to people.

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost was poured out. He then came to dwell in God's children, as the Lord Jesus had promised to His disciples. What did the Holy Ghost come to do? What was His principal work? It was to dwell in the hearts of sinful men, for that is the second part of the answer.

The believer answered, “He is also given me,” that is, He also works in my heart. What is then His work? He has given me true faith. You can read of this in Lord's Day 7, question 21. That took place when I was born again, or regenerated. We read of that wonder in Lord's Day 3, question 8. Indeed, that is a wonder that only God the Holy Ghost can do.

The work of the Holy Ghost in the heart is like the wind. You do not see the wind, but you do hear the sound of it. The wind is strong, very strong. Large trees can be torn out of the ground by the wind. Nobody can hold the wind back. Now the Holy Ghost is also strong; indeed, He is almighty. Nobody can resist Him when He comes in the heart. The Holy Ghost always uses the Word of God, the Bible, to convert sinners. Therefore we must read the Bible much and attend church faithfully.

It is thus the Holy Ghost that gives true faith in my heart, says this believer. In that way I receive Christ as my portion. In this way Christ is my Savior; indeed, the Holy Ghost desires that Christ dwells in my heart. He also gives me the benefits which Christ has merited. What are these benefits? They are the forgiveness of sins, a heart to serve and love the Lord, and eternal salvation. This is also mentioned in the prior Lord's Day, question 51. There these graces or benefits are listed. The Holy Ghost always remains with His children. He never forsakes them. He comforts His people, and therefore He is called the Comforter.

Yes, when God's children have difficulties in their lives, if they must suffer much, He gives them the ability to bear it. If they are discouraged, He again gives them courage. When they have sinned, He causes them to plead with deep sorrow for forgiveness before the Lord Jesus. When they cannot pray, the Holy Ghost prays in their hearts, sometimes even without words. Then they sigh unto God, and God understands them.

You will notice that the Holy Ghost is indispensable.

The Holy Ghost knocks at the door of our hearts every time that we hear the Bible read. It is really sad if we keep our hearts closed. Indeed, that is how evil our hearts are. Nobody is willing to open his heart unto the Lord. However, the Holy Ghost can do it! He is so powerful and so good. Therefore we must continue to pray that the Holy Ghost will come into our heart.

New Books Available

The First Reformers by Alie Vogelaar, price $11.95. This is the third in the series on the history of the church. It is available from the Netherlands Reformed Christian School in New Jersey or from Bible Truth Books.

The two previous books in this series, The First Christians, and Medieval Times, price $9.75 each, are still available, and can be obtained from the Netherlands Reformed Christian Schools in Grand Rapids or Bible Truth Books. All proceeds from these books are for the schools.

Also newly available from Bible Truth Books is the book, For God and His People, by M. D'Aubigné. This is a biography of Zwingli, price $7.25.

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The Heidelberg Catechism (20)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 mei 2005

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