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25th Anniversary Commemoration

Providence Christian School, Kalamazoo, Michigan

On Saturday, May 1, 2004, the Kalamazoo congregation commemorated that the Lord had enabled their school to be in existence for twenty-five years. On September 5, 1978, Rev. W. C. Lamain held an opening service at the school, speaking from Psalm 127 and reminding the congregation that our children are a heritage of the Lord, but also emphasizing the need of the Lord as expressed in the first verse, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Already in 1954 consideration had been given to the possibility of having a school, but at that time it did not seem feasible. Not until 1975 were positive steps taken to pursue this further, and a few years later an available building had been located. It was an unused building which was rented from the public school system in Kalamazoo. This building was used for only one school year, and late in the fall of 1979 instruction was being given in our own school building. Mrs. Jacqueline Markus was the first principal, and she is still with our school at the present time.

For the commemoration our minister, Rev. C. Vogelaar, led a service in the church, at which time he spoke on the words of the psalmist in Psalm 115, “The LORD hath been mindful of us: He will bless us.” He pointed out that the Lord had indeed been mindful of us throughout the twenty-five years, above all expectations, and far beyond any reasons to be found in us as congregation. It was in God's house that we might together sing, “Within Thy temple, Lord, we think on mercies past; let earth all praise accord, long as Thy Name shall last.”

After the service there was an opportunity to visit the school, and in the evening a dinner was held at which Rev. A. T. Vergunst, our former pastor, reviewed the history of the school. Recognition was given to former teachers, former graduates, and to those who still make the school possible by serving as teachers and volunteers. In all these things we were reminded of the Lord's hand in faithfully providing us with these means to educate our rising generations, and therefore to Him is due all the honor.

New Book Available

“At Thy Sacred Altar Bending”

The book that had been published in the Dutch language under the title “Wanneer ik voor U kniel” has been translated, and volume 1 is now available. The second volume should be available later this year. It was originally published by the consistory of the Gereformeerde Gemeente in Tholen for the benefit of their church building program. It contains not only a church directory but also daily devotionals from the book of Psalms that can be used for your daily readings. Volume 1 includes Psalms 1 through 75. The book also includes a very interesting and instructive explanation of our public worship in all its aspects, written by Rev. C. dejongste of Tholen, the Netherlands. This section could be profitable for private study or for discussion at congregational meetings or societies.

This beautiful book shows pictures of the church buildings, exterior and interior, and the consistories of 207 Netherlands Reformed Congregations on six continents, in nine nations, including the United States and Canada (North America), the Netherlands and Belgium (Europe), Bolivia (South America), Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa (Africa), Indonesia (Asia), and New Zealand (Australia). The book also includes maps on which the locations of all those churches can be found. Volume 1 includes the first half of the alphabetical listing of these congregations (Aagtekerke to Marknesse).

The meditations have been written by all the ministers and evangelists of the churches of our Netherlands Reformed Congregations on these continents worldwide; some are taken from the writings of deceased preachers who had a connection with the Tholen congregation. These meditations are dedicated to those churches and are useful, under God's indispensable blessing, for personal edification and family worship.

The value of these books lies in not only the statistics of membership of each church and listings of consistory members, but also in giving some impressions of church life in our congregations on other continents. Hopefully it may serve to the strengthening of the ties between those churches. In our time, which is full of individualism where we easily grow away from our roots, these books could be helpful.

The price of each volume is $30, plus postage. They can be obtained from your consistory or ordered from Mr. E. Dick den Breejen, 37 Fredon-Marksboro Road, Fredon, New Jersey 07860.

The books are heartily recommended, also for our young people and families.

— Rev. C. Vogelaar


Urban Outfitters Drops Blasphemous Product

After receiving a flood of complaints from AFA supporters, major clothing retailer Urban Outfitters has decided not to carry what one pro-family activist called “the most blasphemous product” he has ever seen, according to AFA Journal. Urban Outfitters had begun selling a refrigerator magnet set called “Jesus Dress Up.” The set included a magnetic Jesus on the cross and a variety of clothing and accessories that could be added to the magnet to depict Jesus wearing a variety of “costumes.” Within 48 hours of an AFA action alert, Urban Outfitters received more than a quarter of a million e-mail complaints from supporters of OneMillionMoms.com and OneMillionDads.com, activist groups sponsored by AFA.

Disney to Import W.I.T.C.H. to U.S.

The Walt Disney Company is bringing to the United States a book series based on a popular European comic about the exploits of five teen girls, who happen to be witches, as reported in AFA Journal. W.I.T.C.H. comics are published in 64 countries at a clip of more than one million copies per month. The characters use their occultic powers to battle evil. In typical Wiccan [occult] style, the girls control the natural elements: earth, water, fire, air, and energy. In the U.S., Disney will initially publish them as a series of paperbacks. However, in Disney fashion, the franchise will get an all out product push, with a possible TV series, movie, action toys, and clothing.

Congress Considers Parents' Empowerment Act

A proposal called the Parents' Empowerment Act, H.R. 4239, would allow parents to sue anyone who sells or distributes material harmful to their children, according to an article in CitizenLink. “If the people who published the material published it in such a way that they could reasonably have expected children to have access to it,” Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California, said, “then the parents can receive an award of $10,000.” A recent study by Grunwald and Associates shows 25 percent of American children have had at least one unwanted experience with online the Family Research Council, said if the bill should become law, it would be a weapon for parents in the battle against pornography.

Kentucky Passes Fetal-Homicide Law

Citizen magazine reported that Kentucky became the 29th state to pass a fetal-homicide law. Arizona and Iowa are currently considering similar legislation. Gov. Ernie Fletcher signed the Kentucky bill after 18 years of lobbying from Kentucky Right to Life. The group says passage was overdue; there were five fetal homicides in the state over the last five years, but nothing could be done without a law allowing charges when an unborn child is killed in the commission of a crime.

— R. V. S.

60th Wedding Anniversary

The Lord willing, on June 30, 2004, our dear parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, Evert-Jan and Hendrika Vandenberg hope to commemorate their 60th wedding anniversary.

“For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe” (1 Timothy 4:10).

Box 847 Diamond City, Alberta TOK 0T0

55th Wedding Anniversary

The Lord willing, on July 14, 2004, our dear parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, Joost and Maria Neels hope to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary.

We wish them the Lord's indispensable blessing with much love.

46701 Ramona Drive Chilliwack, British Columbia V2P 7W6 phone (604) 795-9437

Church Custodian Needed

The Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Chilliwack is seeking applications for the position of custodian for our church facilities. The responsibilities of the position include:

• All janitorial duties for the sanctuary, washrooms, class-rooms, and activity hall.

• Opening and closing building for worship services, as well as all weekday activities, such as preschool, catechism classes, choir practices, etc.

• Purchasing of cleaning supplies and kitchen provisions.

• Arranging for minor repairs to building and premises.

Applications and resumes should be sent to the clerk, Elder G. Neels, fax (604) 823- 6034, or call (604) 823-6036 for more information.

55th Wedding Anniversary

The Lord willing, on June 22, 2004, our dear parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, Garret and Alida Moerdyk hope to commemorate their 55th wedding anniversary.

May the Lord continue to provide for them in the unknown future.

“Thou art the God that doest wonders” (Psalm 77:14a).

5211 Woodmont Drive Portage, Michigan 49002

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 2004

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 juni 2004

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's