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New Year’s Wish

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New Year’s Wish

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

It is the goodness of the Lord that we with our dear ones have entered this new year. Therein we see the long- suffering of the Lord over us; He has not dealt with us according to our many sins in church and private life. How necessary it is that the Lord go with us in the unknown future.

It is the wish of my heart that the Lord would remember us all in this coming year, especially the brothers in the ministry, the brother students, the office-bearers, and our mission team in Bolivia. Also included in this wish are all the contributors to the Banner of Truth. We think especially of our assistant editor and those who assist him in Kalamazoo, as they have been doing a major portion of the work for our publication. We hope that all who have given of their precious time for the Banner of Truth may again in this coming year receive the strength and desire to use their gifts to the welfare of our denominational paper. Above all, may the Lord use it to the instruction of young and old, but also to the comfort of His church in the manifold days of darkness.

May the Lord show in His grace and goodness that He knows all our needs, and may He reveal Himself in His favor in our denomination. Especially may Christ, in His work and Person, be revealed and applied to many hearts by the operation of the Holy Ghost. The breach of our days is that the experiential knowledge of Christ is so much lacking. The Holy Spirit will glorify Christ in the hearts of His people, who learn that outside of Him there is no life.

When we think of all that has happened among us in the past years, then fears about the future can be in our hearts. We are inclined to wonder what 1995 will bring to us and our churches. May the Lord give healing in our midst as congregations and denomination. We must pray daily that the Lord go with us.

We may not deny that the presence of the Lord has been felt in the past, but it is clear that the judgments of the Lord are upon the earth. This often goes together with the hiding of His face. May the need be bound upon our hearts to storm the throne of grace, begging that He not depart from us and our children, but that He, out of free and sovereign grace, will yet look down upon our little flocks in Australia, Canada, and the United States, and be with His church all over the world.

Our sincere wish and prayer is that we may experience this in our midst as families, congregations, and denomination, for “in His favour is life” (Psalm 30:5).

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1995

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

New Year’s Wish

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1995

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's