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Friend in Grand Rapids Gift $ 50.00

Friend in Kalamazoo Gift 10.00

Unionville Gift 500.00

Friend in Michigan Gift 145.00

Friend in Grand Rapids Gift 10.00

Friend in Canada Gift 14.00


Rock Valley Ladies’ Aid Gift 200.00

Rock Valley Gift 200.00

Mary Martha (Waupun) Gift 200.00

Friend in Corsica Misc. 4.00


Friends from Australia Gift 108.94

TOTAL $1,441.94

Dear friends,

We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind support for the mission work done in various places. May the Lord bless you and your gifts.

We would like to introduce to you the group that is faithfully working at our Bethlehem mission in Baldwin, Michigan, on a volunteer, part time basis: James Bazen, Peter Bazen, Henry Roelofs, Dick Spaans, Jim Spaans, Bob Vander Boon, Elizabeth Mast and Jane Roodvoets. Sometimes there are others who volunteer to go along. Of this group three or four take turns every Saturday to instruct a Bible class and visit several people. Once a month the store is open for the poor people. The mission board wishes to express their gratitude to these volunteers for their willingness to sacrifice a little of their time to continue the mission work in Baldwin on a part time basis. Appreciation is also expressed to the ladies’s aids and congregations who send good used clothing to supply the store for the poor people.

A meeting was held in March with this group to discuss various aspects concerning the mission. It was decided to distribute a few cassette tape players with sermons of our ministers. We have heard later that a young 14 year old girl really appreciates these sermons. May the Lord be pleased to bless the feeble efforts of these volunteers and the tape sermons and goods they distribute amongst the poor people living in Baldwin.

This group is very convinced that without the Lord’s blessing nothing can prosper. They have expressed that many times they were discouraged that their labors seem all in vain which is so necessary because we always have to be brought with our needs before the Lord. They have told us that sometimes they have seen a few encouraging signs. These volunteers are from the Grand Rapids congregation.

May the Lord remember all our mission workers where ever they are.

American General Mission Fund Netherlands Reformed Churches of United States and Canada

John Spaans, Treas.

R.R. 3 Box 17

Plankinton, South Dakota 57368

Phone 1-605-732-4539

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juni 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 juni 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's